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ČKD Tatra KT8D5 in service in Miskolc, Hungary - November 2022

Miskolc, Tatra KT8D5 Nr 203, Škoda 26T ForCity Classic Nr 606, Škoda 26T ForCity Classic Nr 622
Miasta:    Miskolc
Data nakręcenia filmu: Listopad 2023 r.
Autor filmu (kamerzysta): Trilex

Parade of the vintage trams in Miskolc, Hungary, on the occasion of the 125th anniversary

Miskolc, Snow removal car Nr M5, CSM-2 Nr 100, CSM-4 Nr 151, SGP Type E1 Nr 185, Lohner Тype c3 Nr 300, Tatra KT8D5 Nr 209, Škoda 26T ForCity Classic Nr 623
Miasta:    Miskolc
Data nakręcenia filmu: 10 lipca 2022 r.
Autor filmu (kamerzysta): Trilex

The old trams in Miskolc, Hungary

Miskolc, CSM-2 Nr 100, CSM-4 Nr 151, SGP Type E1 Nr 185, Lohner Тype c3 Nr 300, Tatra KT8D5 Nr 209, Škoda 26T ForCity Classic Nr 607
Miasta:    Miskolc
Data nakręcenia filmu: 10 lipca 2022 r.
Autor filmu (kamerzysta): Trilex

Heritage trams and buses in Miskolc, Hungary

Miskolc, CSM-2 Nr 100, CSM-4 Nr 151, SGP Type E1 Nr 185, Lohner Тype c3 Nr 300, Tatra KT8D5 Nr 209
Miasta:    Miskolc
Data nakręcenia filmu: 11 maja 2023 r.
Autor filmu (kamerzysta): Trilex

Riding a Tatra KT8D5 tram in Miskolc, Hungary (203)

The tram number 203 shown in the video is a ČKD Tatra KT8D5 type made in 1990. In the year of its production it was already in service in Košice, Sloviakia, with the number 524, where it was in service until August 1992. It was no longer needed in Košice, but it was very much needed in Miskolc. So it was brought to Miskolc at the age of only 2 years, together with several others, to replace the old FVV CSM-2 type and part of the CSM-4 type. In Miskolc, the KT8D5s were in service until 2015, when they were completely replaced by the Škoda 26T type.
A total of 18 Tatra trams were in operation in Miskolc, 15 of which were bought by Prague after they had been retired in Miskolc. They were refurbished and are in operation in the city. In Miskolc there are therefore 3 left. The 202 is the Christmas tram, the 203 is a backup vehicle, while the 209 is a heritage tram since 2022, repainted in its original red and white colour with leather seats.
Officially, all 3 Tatras are public service vehicles (unlike the SGP and FVVs) so officially all three trams could be in service any day now. Of course, there is no need for this, because with the timetable that has been constantly cut in recent years, there is already a big surplus of Škoda trams. The last time a Tatra was needed was when a lightning struck the tram depot on 1 September 2020, leaving 11 Škoda trams unusable.
However, to keep their type certificate, tram drivers must drive a certain number of hours on this type every year. This is why every year in November, the KT8D5 No 203 runs for a month. This year was no different, it was nice to spend another month of nostalgia with this beauty :)
Filmed on Friday, 24 November, 2023

Miskolc, Tatra KT8D5 Nr 203
Miasta:    Miskolc
Data nakręcenia filmu: 24 listopada 2023 r.

Miskolc Christmas tram 2023

This year, the Advent Tram is running for the 12th time in Miskolc, Hungary.
The old Tatra KT8D5 has left the brown colour scheme of the past years and turned rosegold. The lighting this year doesn't form any specific patterns, apart from the usual LED stripes running around the tram, there are curtain-like lights at the windows. But the brown direction sign at the front, left over from last year.
On the inside, this year, the main theme was the cosy forest. Wooden branches, cute animals, tasteful decorations. Perhaps most noticeably, the seats have been replaced by wooden benches. They evoke both the forest benches and the atmosphere of the old trams.

Miskolc, Tatra KT8D5 Nr 202, Škoda 26T ForCity Classic Nr 613, Škoda 26T ForCity Classic Nr 630
Miasta:    Miskolc
Data nakręcenia filmu: Grudzień 2023 r.
Autor filmu (kamerzysta): Trilex

MISKOLC TRAM | Трамваи в Мишкольце

Filmed on October 27th 2017.

Дата съемки: 27 октября 2017 г.

Miskolc, Škoda 26T ForCity Classic Nr 629, Škoda 26T ForCity Classic Nr 613, Škoda 26T ForCity Classic Nr 601, Škoda 26T ForCity Classic Nr 623, Škoda 26T ForCity Classic Nr 604, Škoda 26T ForCity Classic Nr 602, Škoda 26T ForCity Classic Nr 600, Škoda 26T ForCity Classic Nr 610, Škoda 26T ForCity Classic Nr 630, Škoda 26T ForCity Classic Nr 611,  Škoda 26T ForCity Classic Nr 612 , Škoda 26T ForCity Classic Nr 624, Škoda 26T ForCity Classic Nr 605, Škoda 26T ForCity Classic Nr 609, Škoda 26T ForCity Classic Nr 607, Škoda 26T ForCity Classic Nr 626, Škoda 26T ForCity Classic Nr 603, Škoda 26T ForCity Classic Nr 621
Miasta:    Miskolc

Christmas trams 2017

Miskolc, Tatra KT8D5 Nr 202
Debrecen, Ganz-Hunslet KCSV6-1S Nr 502, CAF Urbos 3 Nr 528
Miasta:    Miskolc,   Debrecen

Christmas tram 2018

Miskolc, Tatra KT8D5 Nr 202
Miasta:    Miskolc

Christmas tram 2019

Miskolc, Tatra KT8D5 Nr 202, Škoda 26T ForCity Classic Nr 606
Miasta:    Miskolc

Az SGP E1 villamos búcsúja - Miskolc: Abschied von ex-Wien Straßenbahn

Miskolc, SGP Type E1 Nr 185,  Tatra KT8D5 Nr 201 , Škoda 26T ForCity Classic Nr 630, Škoda 26T ForCity Classic Nr 623
Miasta:    Miskolc

Škoda ForCity Classic 26T Miskolcon - Straßenbahn - Tramway

The Škoda 26 T is a five carbody section low-floor bi-directional tram, developed by Škoda for Miskolc (Hungary).

Škoda 26T — это двухсторонний низкопольный трамвай с пятью секциями, разработанный Škoda для Мишкольца (Венгрия).

Miskolc, Škoda 26T ForCity Classic Nr 603, Škoda 26T ForCity Classic Nr 622, Škoda 26T ForCity Classic Nr 611, Škoda 26T ForCity Classic Nr 624, Škoda 26T ForCity Classic Nr 604, Škoda 26T ForCity Classic Nr 623, Škoda 26T ForCity Classic Nr 600, Škoda 26T ForCity Classic Nr 601, Škoda 26T ForCity Classic Nr 630
Miasta:    Miskolc

Škoda ForCity Classic 26T villamos Miskolcon - Straßenbahn - Tramway (vol. 2)

The Škoda 26 T is a five carbody section low-floor bi-directional tram, developed by Škoda for Miskolc (Hungary).

Škoda 26T — это двухсторонний низкопольный трамвай с пятью секциями, разработанный Škoda для Мишкольца (Венгрия).

Miskolc, Škoda 26T ForCity Classic Nr 601, Škoda 26T ForCity Classic Nr 600, Škoda 26T ForCity Classic Nr 602, Škoda 26T ForCity Classic Nr 603, Škoda 26T ForCity Classic Nr 618, Škoda 26T ForCity Classic Nr 630
Miasta:    Miskolc

Škoda ForCity Classic 26T villamos Miskolcon - Straßenbahn - Tramway (vol. 1)

A Škoda ForCity Classic 26T (korábban 25T) egy ötszekciós, kétirányú, teljesen alacsonypadlós villamos, amit a Škoda Transportation fejlesztett ki Miskolc számára. 2650 mm-es szélességével a gyártó addigi legszélesebb villamosa. The Škoda 26 T is a five carbody section low-floor bi-directional tram, developed by Škoda for Miskolc (Hungary).

Škoda Force Classic 26T (ранее 25T)-это пятисекционный, двусторонний, полностью низкопольный трамвай, разработанный компанией Škoda Transportation для Мишкольца. С шириной 2650 мм, самый широкий трамвай производителя до сих пор.

Miskolc, Škoda 26T ForCity Classic Nr 601, Škoda 26T ForCity Classic Nr 602, Škoda 26T ForCity Classic Nr 623
Miasta:    Miskolc

Miskolc - 0-as villamos - Tatra - Tramway - Straßenbahn - KT8D5

Сюжет о трамвае города Мишкольц (Венгрия).

Miskolc,  Tatra KT8D5 Nr 201 
Miasta:    Miskolc

Škoda 26T ForCity Classic

Škoda 26T ForCity Classic advertisement.

Miskolc, Škoda 26T ForCity Classic Nr 601, Škoda 26T ForCity Classic Nr 600
Miasta:    Miskolc
Komentarzy: 2

MISKOLC TRAM - Трамвай в Мишкольц (12.08.2014)

Miskolc, Škoda 26T ForCity Classic Nr 600, Škoda 26T ForCity Classic Nr 601, Škoda 26T ForCity Classic Nr 607,  Tatra KT8D5 Nr 200 , Tatra KT8D5 Nr 202,  Tatra KT8D5 Nr 206 ,  Tatra KT8D5 Nr 211 ,  Tatra KT8D5 Nr 212 ,  SGP Type E1 Nr 190 
Miasta:    Miskolc

Трамваи в Мишкольце (06.+07.04.2012)

Die Straßenbahn in Miskolc / Villamosok Miskolc (06.+07.04.2012).

Miasta:    Miskolc

Трамвай в Мишкольце

Miskolc,  Tatra KT8D5 Nr 207 ,  Tatra KT8D5 Nr 211 ,  Tatra KT8D5 Nr 208 ,  SGP Type E1 Nr 183 ,  Lohner Тype c3 Nr 300 ,  SGP Type E1 Nr 190 ,  Tatra KT8D5 Nr 214 
Miasta:    Miskolc

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