TransPhotoMiejski Transport Elektryczny

Brussels, wagon tramwajowy Nr 1028

Miasto:Brussels   Belgia
Model:T. B. Standard motor car
Wyprodukowany:ok. 1934
Stan obecny: Skasowany 

zdjęcie drugorzędne (0): ukryj / pokaż
Conditional photos (0): ukryj / pokaż
Technical photos (0): ukryj / pokaż


687 kB

BrusselsOld photos MIVB / STIB
BrusselsIncidents / Accidents

Edingenstraat — Rue d'Enghien

During World War II, the entire city was darkened: this applied to the trams and to the whole city. The result was many accidents, which were all indexed and photographed until 1942.
This is the result of the accident 5858 of 30/06/1941.
The darkening glass around the front light is clearly visible.

The photo was made by the T.B. (tram company), a print is in my personal collection.

Lipiec 1941 r.
Przysłał focus1965


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