TransPhotoMestská Elektrická Hromadná Doprava

Newcastle, električkový voz č. 2154 (54)

Second Number:54
Mesto:Newcastle   Australia
Vozovňa/Remíza:Newcastle Light Rail
Typ:CAF Urbos 100
Súčasný stav: V premávke 
Launched:17. 02. 2019

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420 kB

Newcastle,  CAF Urbos 100  č. 2152 (52)

"Civic" Station

CAF100 trams 2152 and 2154 pass at Civic Station, in Hunter Street.

Piatok 29. marca 2019 (približne)
Autor: James Bradley

442 kB

Station "Newcastle Beach"

Newcastle #54 prepares for its journey to Newcastle Interchange Railway Station.

Piatok 29. marca 2019 (približne)
Autor: James Bradley

380 kB

Newcastle Interchange

CAF Urbos 100 #2154 waits at Newcastle interchange railway station while recharging for its departure to Newcastle Beach.

Piatok 29. marca 2019
Autor: James Bradley


  2018    Arrived at the facility

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