TransPhotoГородской электротранспорт

Антверпен, трамвайный вагон № 4429

Город:Антверпен   Бельгия
Депо/Парк:Vlaams Tram- en Autobusmuseum
Модель:CGTA 2-axle motor car
Текущее состояние: Списан 
Примечание:only chassis on display for educational reasons

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Vlaams Tram- en Autobusmuseum (Groenenhoek)

Explanation and history: see

21 мая 2024 г., вторник
Автор: focus1965

  ????    Списан

762 КБ

БрюссельРазные фотографии

Брюссель, Depot Elsene — Ixelles

Obtaining an old tram is not a problem, keeping it and doing something useful with it is something else. The owner found a place for this tram in an unused part of a Brussels tram depot. The roof of the building leaked like a sieve, and when they started to carry out the necessary repairs in Brussels to re-use the depot, the Antwerp Tram Museum was contacted to remove the tram from there. Since there is a similar tram in Antwerp and the tram from Brussels was completely rotten and rusted by the humidity, they could not do much else than to demolish this vehicle. A part (chassis and controller) stands as an educational item in the tram museum of Antwerp.

5 февраля 2002 г., вторник
Автор: focus1965


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