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Foxton, Scammell Lorries Nr. 90; Foxton — Foxton Trolleybus Museum
  Foxton Scammell Lorries Nr. 90 
Foxton Trolleybus Museum
Shannon Road
Wellington City Trolleybus 90 that was stored at the now-closed Foxton Trolleybus Museum, was moved to a property on Shannon Road, over the weekend of 17-18th April 2021.
The vehicle has been positioned so it is better viewed by passing motorists heading in and out Foxton by this route.
• • •
Веллингтонский троллейбус 90, ранее хранившийся в ныне закрытом троллейбусном музее Фокстона, был перевезен на частный участок на Shannon Road в выходные 17-18 апреля 2021 г.
Троллейбус запаркован так, чтобы его было лучше видно проезжающим мимо автомобилистам, направляющимся в Фокстон по данной дороге.

Photo: Wayne_Duncan

Hochgeladen von Ymtram · East Haven - Branford           Datum: Montag, 20. September 2021


Veröffentlicht: 02.12.2023 18:11 MSK
Aufrufe — 243


Foxton, Scammell Lorries Nr. 90

Betrieb/Depot:Foxton Trolleybus Museum
Kennzeichen:EV 6765
Typ:Scammell Lorries
Fahrgestell:BUT RETB1
Status:Außer Betrieb
Nutzung:Historischer Wagen
Bemerkung:04.2015 ex Wellington, 90
Bodywork: Metro-Cammell Weymann (England)
Entered service on April 10, 1964
Acquired by a private citizen and moved to a property on Shannon Road, near Foxton, April 17-18, 2021.

Kommentare · 1

02.12.2023 18:11 MSK
Ymtram · East Haven - Branford
Fotos: 18198 · Redakteur für urheberfremde Fotos / Fotoredakteur / Allgemeiner Redakteur / Nachrichtenredakteur / Übersetzer (EN)
Wellington City Trolleybus No. 90, the ex Omnibus Society trolleybus that was stored at the Foxton Trolleybus Museum, but was moved to a lifestyle property on the Foxton to Shannon Road, over the weekend of 17th-18th April 2021, has now been positioned so it is better viewed by passing motorists heading in and out Foxton by this route.

The new owner, who apparently lives in Foxton, Is an ex WCCT transport driver who hopes to keep it as original as possible including repainting into Banderillo red.

1964 Wellington City Transport's British United Traction RETB1 with MCCW B42D bodywork and seating codes preserved by the Omnibus Society since being withdrawn from service in 1986..

The Omnibus Society's No. 90 was moved to Foxton from Otaki in April 2015 for storage.

Prior to being stored in Otaki, No. 90 was in storage at the Car Haulaways site in Paekakariki until the Omnibus Society was requested to move the buses they had stored there by July 2014 so that work could start at the site on the Transmission Gully road project.

Wellington City Transport 90, BUT (Scammell) RETB/1 {SO9334} / MCCW B42D, 1964, EV 6765 / TF1013, NZ Omnibus Society. Operational at Foxton Trolleybus Museum.

Text by: Wayne_Duncan
+2 / –0


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