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Antwerpen, BN PCC Antwerpen № 2053; Antwerpen — Old photos (city trams Antwerpen); Antwerpen — Old Photos (N.M.V.B. — Interurban trams)
  Antwerpen BN PCC Antwerpen № 2053  —  Marsruut 3
Old photos (city trams Antwerpen)  ·  Old Photos (N.M.V.B. — Interurban trams)
A postcard of unfortunately mediocre quality. It is one of the few known shots of a crossing between a P.C.C. tram of the city tram and an S tram of the N.M.V.B. This was only possible between 1960 and 1968. I am not aware of the existence of any other color photos.
This photo once inspired us to redo this 50 years of the closure of the N.M.V.B. in Antwerpen, with an older tram: the S-car cannot leave the tram museum anymore...

Photo: Jean-Luc Bayeux
Postcard edited by Rail-Memories (Luxembourg)

Saatis focus1965 · Antwerpen           Kuupäev: 1966 a. (umbes)

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Litsents: Copyright ©
Avaldatud 08.01.2022 07:12 MSK
Vaatamisi — 372

Detailne info

Antwerpen, BN PCC Antwerpen № 2053

Depoo/park:Former city tram companies
Mudel:BN PCC Antwerpen
Hetkeseis:Ümberregistreeritud/edasi antud linna siseselt (01.01.1991) Maha kantud
Märkus:01.01.1991 to De Lijn; ≈ 10.1993 to 7053

Pildifaili teave

Model:Canon MG3600 series
Näita kõik EXIF


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