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Шарлеруа, SNCV S моторный № 9780; Шарлеруа — Старые фотографии (SNCV)
  Шарлеруа SNCV S моторный № 9780  —  маршрут 7
Старые фотографии (SNCV)
Dour, Rue du Quesnoy
The tram has long since disappeared, and that house also, but the tram road still exists.
The fence, of which a part can be seen on the left, was already in a precarious state in 1970 and still stands...

Photo from my collection, author: René Stevens (†)

Прислал focus1965 · Антверпен           Дата: 14 марта 1970 г., суббота

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Лицензия: Copyright ©
Опубликовано 04.01.2022 06:18 MSK
Просмотров — 309

Подробная информация

Шарлеруа, SNCV S моторный № 9780

Депо/Парк:Société Nationale des Chemins de fer Vicinaux
Модель:SNCV S моторный
Заводской №:85
Текущее состояние:Перенумерован/передан в пределах города (01.01.1976) Списан
Примечание:До 21.11.1961 — Льеж, 9780. С 01.01.1976 — 9039; с 12.1982 — служебный

Параметры съёмки

Модель камеры:Canon MG3600 series
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Комментарии · 3

04.01.2022 08:35 MSK
Oletrol · Санкт-Петербург
Нет фотографий
Ради наших детей катитесь осмотрительно!
+3 / –0
05.01.2022 19:03 MSK
Vladlen99 · Одесса
Фото: 39 · Общий редактор
Это секцион вместе с фидерами?
+1 / –1
06.01.2022 00:01 MSK
focus1965 · Антверпен
Фото: 7636 · Общий редактор / Перевод сайта (EN/FR)
This concerned the operation of the signalling system.
To understand this better, you should open the Google maps link and turn it 180°. There is still a bus stop in a wide street. So there were 2 tracks and the driver had 2 possibilities.
The first was to let his service end there and perform the necessary maneuvers to get on the other track.
The second is the most obvious: just follow the line and enter the single-track section.
Explaining the whole system would lead me too far, but it was an additional signal that served as a safety device, confirming that a tram had moved onto the single-track section.
This was not activated when a tram was moving in front of or on the intersection. This is related to the system of pre-signals and main signals.
This also applied if a tram passed there, heading for the above stop: the front signal went out, the main signal remained red.
+1 / –0

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