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Хамхын — Троллейбусные линии и инфраструктура
  ХамхынТроллейбусные линии и инфраструктура
Photo: Raymond Cunningham

Прислал Gamerdgl · Сан-Хосе           Дата: 11 августа 2010 г., среда

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Опубликовано 21.11.2021 17:54 MSK
Просмотров — 708

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Имя автора:Ray Cunningham

Комментарии · 2

21.11.2021 18:03 MSK
Ymtram · Ист-Хейвен - Бранфорд
Фото: 18087 · Модератор неавторских материалов / Фотомодератор / Общий редактор / Редактор новостей / Перевод сайта (EN)
This photo finally confirms the existence of the former second trolleybus branch in the southeast of the Hamhung system, to Ryongsung (in addition to the existing shorter branch to Hungdok).

There are now at least three known key elements: consistent dual poles on both sides of the road, visible all the way to Ryongsung in photos from space; strong concrete poles designed to support a trolleybus overhead; and remnants of trolleybus fixtures on poles.

This photo is from 2010. Best guesses regarding when this line was closed are solicited.

The original discussion regarding this branch was started here:

Many thanks to Gamerdgl for this find.
+3 / –0
04.08.2022 05:05 MSK
jiachen · Сидней
Фото: 427 · Перевод сайта (CN)
Hello, I found an interesting video that covers this section of the streets in Hungnam district: (1:47-2:25), showing this section:!3e2

There are (were) reinforced concrete poles on both sides of the road, with signs of rust at about the level of contact network arms. A pole that stands a few meters from the road at where the road turns would have, if it were a trolleybus pole, be used to provide tension in the turn. I suspect the Hungdok branch formerly went a longer distance. The trolleybus magazine issue 246 proposed a somewhat similar route that extended to Hungnam station. Note that the area around the Kim Il Sung statue in Hungnam was extensively landscaped, and the poles end before there.

About the branch to Ryongsong, it seemed to have operated from 1991 to 2003 or before - if it existed at all. A North-South joint survey project conducted 1990s to 2006 mentioned only two trolleybus routes in Hamhung (Hoiyang to Doksong and Hoiyang to Hungdok). 2003 Google earth image shows very few tire marks going south at where the line from Hamhung station should have split into branches.
+0 / –1

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