
Fotod avaldatakse saidil nii, nagu nad on, ja nende eesmärk ei ole reklaamida poliitilist ja/või ideoloogilist seisukohta.

Materjalid on kasutajate poolt pakutud ja need ei kajasta saidi administratsiooni arvamust.

Halberstadt, LOWA ET54 № 36; Halberstadt, Lindner/AEG 2-axle motor car № 31; Halberstadt, Esslingen GT4 № 164; Halberstadt, Esslingen GT4 № 153; Halberstadt, Esslingen GT4 № 154; Halberstadt — Photo shooting at the depot (22.04.1996) • Fotoshooting im Depot (22.04.1996)
  HalberstadtLOWA ET54 № 36 
Lindner/AEG 2-axle motor car № 31 
Esslingen GT4 № 164 
 Esslingen GT4 № 153 
 Esslingen GT4 № 154 
Photo shooting at the depot (22.04.1996) • Fotoshooting im Depot (22.04.1996)
When the buses were gone, I asked if the trams that were inside could not be driven a bit forward. The result was exactly what I had hoped for.

Autor: focus1965 · Antwerpen           Kuupäev: 22 aprill 1996 a., esmaspäev

Näita võtte asukohta kaardil


Litsents: Copyright ©
Avaldatud 04.10.2020 02:15 MSK
Vaatamisi — 722

Detailne info

Halberstadt, LOWA ET54 № 36

Depoo/park:Halberstädter Straßenbahn
Alates:≈ 1993
Mudel:LOWA ET54
Märkus:≈ 1993 ex revenue service

Halberstadt, Lindner/AEG 2-axle motor car № 31

Depoo/park:Halberstädter Straßenbahn
Mudel:Lindner/AEG 2-axle motor car
Märkus:1977 ex revenue service
1977 — 1983: Einsatz als Stadtrundfahrtwagen • использован в качестве вагона для экскурсии по городу • used as sightseing tram

Bestandteil der ersten Serie des Films "Teheran-43": YouTube • cнимался в фильме "Тегеран-43", первая серия: YouTube • used in the first serie of the movie "Teheran-43": YouTube

Halberstadt, Esslingen GT4 № 164

Depoo/park:Halberstädter Straßenbahn
Mudel:Esslingen GT4
Märkus:1994 ex Freiburg im Breisgau, 106

Halberstadt, Esslingen GT4 № 153

Depoo/park:Halberstädter Straßenbahn
Mudel:Esslingen GT4
Tehase number:25761
Hetkeseis:Maha kantud (2003)
Märkus:1992 ex Stuttgart, 648

Halberstadt, Esslingen GT4 № 154

Depoo/park:Halberstädter Straßenbahn
Mudel:Esslingen GT4
Tehase number:25487
Hetkeseis:Maha kantud (2003)
Märkus:1992 ex Stuttgart, 547

Pildifaili teave

Model:Canon MG3600 series
Näita kõik EXIF

Kommentaarid · 3

04.10.2020 15:51 MSK
Ymtram · East Haven - Branford
Fotosid: 18198 · Autorideta materjalide moderaator / Fotomoderaator / Üldtoimetaja / Uudiste toimetaja / Saidi tõlkimine (EN)
> I asked if the trams that were inside could not be driven a bit forward. The result was exactly what I had hoped for.

These were clearly the golden years - when the Eastern systems were still opening up, and visitors with genuine interest were truly appreciated by the locals. Guest reception stories like that were common for many cities in the former Eastern bloc at the time.

During the 2008 visit to the Halberstadt depot I've still gotten a welcoming reception. I was shown around the depot and could photograph anything I wanted, while conversing with the staff who explained everything about the system.

Upon my 2019 visit I was 'greeted' by an employee who basically barked at me. He called for an operations manager on duty who proceeded to be all suspicious and practically barked out orders as well. Both characters looked straight out of 1989. We settled on me quickly taking photos from outside the barn, but into the barn itself, as the gates were open. I was given 2 minutes, and then had to leave. Moreover, some other employees attempted to talk to me an welcome me inside the barn, but the manager barked at them too, so they stopped. And all of the above after I introduced myself not just as a fan, but as a co-worker from the other transit system.

Frankly, this was one of the worst receptions I've gotten anywhere in the world. Reminiscent perhaps of the latest events in the Russian cities, behind the newly established 'curtain', where people are told to hate the West via local propaganda, and local transit companies now look at every visitor with suspicion.
+0 / –0
04.10.2020 16:27 MSK
focus1965 · Antwerpen
Fotosid: 7697 · Üldtoimetaja / Saidi tõlkimine (EN/FR)
During my last visit (apparently in 2017) I had to search quite a long time before I saw someone: the workshop was completely deserted except for one or two men.
I asked that person if the director was present: he was there, walked to his office and had a chat there.
I was allowed to photograph everything, with the exception of a tram covered with graffiti. However, hardly anyone was there so it was impossible to have trams moved.
+2 / –0
27.04.2024 10:30 MSK
Ymtram · East Haven - Branford
Fotosid: 18198 · Autorideta materjalide moderaator / Fotomoderaator / Üldtoimetaja / Uudiste toimetaja / Saidi tõlkimine (EN)
An update following the recent visit in 2024:
+1 / –0


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