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Vaslui, Gräf & Stift 858 GE112 M16 № VS 00125
  Vaslui Gräf & Stift 858 GE112 M16 № VS 00125 
Autogara Vaslui
All of the trolleybuses in Vaslui are still out of service. This one has lacks in lightning and stands without electric collectors. Each one has a thick layer of dust inside. As I suppose, they are standing here since three years. What went wrong in Vaslui? They don't have electricians or a willingness to put in into service?

Autor: BalkanExplorer           Kuupäev: 23 september 2019 a., esmaspäev

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Litsents: Copyright ©
Avaldatud 15.03.2020 23:39 MSK
Vaatamisi — 1237

Detailne info

Vaslui, Gräf & Stift 858 GE112 M16 № VS 00125

Asukoht:Trolleybus depot
Depoo/park:SC Transurb SA
Riiklik number:VS 00125
Mudel:Gräf & Stift 858 GE112 M16
Tehase number:20
Hetkeseis:Maha kantud (2016)
Märkus:06.08.2015 ex Salzburg, 204 / S-119 JA; 2006 ex 9164

Pildifaili teave

Date and Time:23.09.2019 18:08
Exposure Time:1/60 sec
Aperture Value:5.6
ISO Speed:320
Focal Length:28 mm
Näita kõik EXIF

Kommentaarid · 2

16.03.2020 01:21 MSK
Andrei Andras · Brasov
Fotosid: 376
This year will be launched a tender for buying 10 new short trolleybuses.
These old trolleys have some iremedial problems at electrical components.
+2 / –0
16.03.2020 10:13 MSK
mpelov · Sofia
Fotosid: 90
Initially the problem was incompatible voltage. Despite the new overhead, the old substations were kept, which operated at 750 V. I read this problem was solved by technicians from Salzburg, although I don't know whether changes were made to the substations or the vehicles. Despite this, numerous electrical issues with the trolleybuses did not allow them to operate for any prolonged periods of time. Hopefully the new trolleybuses will arrive soon.
+2 / –0


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