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Antwerpen, BN PCC Gent nr. 42 (6242); Antwerpen — Excursion with Ghent trams 6202 and 42 (15/09/2019)
Stelplaats Hoboken (Jan Van de Wouwerstraat)
The special part of this excursion was that it was possible to use tram 42.
Perhaps this is the very last time: the cultural project, for which the tram was used, has come to an end. Nobody is interested in this tram anymore and it is in a very bad condition, both techical and the bodywork.

Autorul: focus1965 · Antwerpen           Dată: 15 September 2019 yr., Sunday

Afișează locație de fotografiere pe hartă


License: Copyright ©
Publicat 18.09.2019 16:04 MSK
Vizualizări — 502

Informație detaliată

Antwerpen, BN PCC Gent nr. 42

Depoul:Tram De Lux
Second Number:6242
Model:BN PCC Gent
Anul construcției:11.1972
Starea actuală:Abandoned / Dead storage (2016)
Funcție:Museum vehicle
Observație:owned by public organisation for cultural porposes. 25.11.2014 ex Gent, 42; 01.01.1991 ex Old
official number: 6242, on the car only 42 (when it came from Ghent) and later on 1 side 42 and the other side 6242.

Camera Settings

Model:Canon EOS 80D
Date and Time:15.09.2019 15:41
Exposure Time:1/100 sec
Aperture Value:2.8
ISO Speed:100
Focal Length:25 mm
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