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Gent, Duewag GT6 № (69)
  Gent Duewag GT6 № (69) 
 Duewag GT6 № 61 
 Duewag GT6 № (63) 
Beringen Mijn
The trams were transported to a far away old mine building which, like the trams, would be demolished shortly afterwards.
On the photo I noted: 16 — 27 — 1/2 of the 22.

Autors: focus1965 · Antwerpen           Datums: 29 jūlija 1999 g., ceturtdiena

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Publicēts 09.04.2019 23:16 MSK
Skatījumus — 424

Sīkāka informācija

Gent, Duewag GT6 № (69)

Depo/Parks:De Lijn
Modelis:Duewag GT6
Pašreiz stāvoklis:Norakstīts (02.06.1999)
Piezīme:Was never in service or repainted in Ghent. Received only the number 69 (and later 6269) on paper. 02/06/1999 to Beringen (B).. 28.09.1994 ex Bochum, 16


Model:Canon MG3600 series
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