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Rom, ATAC series "rimorchio 8 finestrini" Nr. 454; Rom — Old photos
  Rom ATAC series "rimorchio 8 finestrini" Nr. 454  —  Linie 14
Old photos
Via Nazionale
The last day of tram service in the Rome historical centre.

Hochgeladen von Edoardo · Rom           Datum: Dienstag, 31. Dezember 1929

Aufnahmeposition zeigen


Veröffentlicht: 13.09.2018 03:03 MSK
Aufrufe — 502



Rom, ATAC series "rimorchio 8 finestrini" Nr. 454

Betrieb/Depot:ATAC — Trams before 1965
Typ:ATAC series "rimorchio 8 finestrini"
Status:Umgebaut oder modernisiert (1936)
Bemerkung:1936 to ATAC series "MATER" #5035
Modell: ATAC "rimorchio 8 finestrini"
Constructors : Tabanelli
Bogie: 2 axels

Rebuild in 1936 as back part of ATAC series "MATER"

Constructors : MATER
Electrical parts: CGE
Modell: ATAC seines "MATER"
Bogie: 1 truck + 2 axle
Motor: CT136
Controller: B54

Kommentare · 3

13.09.2018 21:22 MSK
Дим · Rjasan
Fotos: 568
Около 10 вагонов в кадре
+0 / –0
14.09.2018 19:19 MSK
Vladlen99 · Odesa
Fotos: 39 · Allgemeiner Redakteur
Цитата (Дим, 13.09.2018):
> Около 10 вагонов в кадре

Я 17 насчитал.
+0 / –0
16.09.2018 14:06 MSK
Edoardo · Rom
Fotos: 78 · Stadtredakteur
Before 31 December 1929 some tracks in the center were really very busy. The network was 350km long with 13400 runs and more then 670 cars with the lines that usually cross the city from side to side.
So the tracks along via Nazionale - Venezia - Via del Plebiscito - Largo Torre Argnetina - Corso Vittorio and the cross between Via Nazionale and Traforo, Piazza Venezia and Largo Argentina were a mess.
The place in the photo is one of this three cross, Via Nazionale to Traforo, was cross by 16 lines and more 172 times per hour.
From 1925 under the government pressure the company began studies how to rationalize the service (many tram lines ran on parallel), integrate the bus network with the tram network and decongest the streets of the old city by trams.
+0 / –0


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