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Antverpy, BN PCC Antwerpen č. 2001; Antverpy, SNCV Standard wooden motor car č. 9994
  Antverpy BN PCC Antwerpen č. 2001  —  excursion
SNCV Standard wooden motor car č. 9994  —  excursion
Stelplaats 'Luchtbal' (Noorderlaan)
Back in the 60's! Exactly 50 years ago the last interurban (vicinal) tram line was closed. This was commemorated and P.C.C. 7001 received the original number 2001 for that day. The P.C.C. also received a historical line indication for this occasion. A historic bus from the same period made the line-up complete.

Autor: focus1965 · Antverpy           Dátum: Nedeľa 27. mája 2018

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Zverejnené 01.06.2018 23:39 MSK
Návštev — 589

Podrobná informácia

Antverpy, BN PCC Antwerpen č. 2001

Vozovňa/Remíza:De Lijn
Since...:26. 05. 2018
Typ:BN PCC Antwerpen
Súčasný stav:Prečíslovaný/premiestnený v rámci mesta (28. 05. 2018) Mimo prevádzky
Poznámka:26.05.2018 ex 7001; ≈ 10.1993 ex 2001; 01.01.1991 ex Old. 28.05.2018 to 7001
In historical colours since 28/10/2006.

Antverpy, SNCV Standard wooden motor car č. 9994

Vozovňa/Remíza:Vlaams Tram- en Autobusmuseum
Since...:09. 03. 2015
Typ:SNCV Standard wooden motor car
Súčasný stav:V premávke
Účel:Historické (múzejné)
Poznámka:09.03.2015 ex Kusttram, 9994; 15.06.2011 ex Gent, 9994; 26.03.2007 ex Antwerpen, 9292; 28.10.2003 ex Thuin, 9292; 04.1978 ex Kusttram, 9292; 31.12.1975 ex 9994; 10.05.1966 ex Antwerpen, 9994; 1932 ex SNCV Standard wooden trailer car # 19136

Camera Settings

Model:Canon EOS 80D
Date and Time:27.05.2018 14:05
Exposure Time:1/250 sec
Aperture Value:8
ISO Speed:200
Focal Length:25 mm
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