TransPhotoMiejski Transport Elektryczny

Kronika: Coimbra

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25 kwietnia 2024 r.

The first out of 35 Zhongtong LCK6186EVG (N18) electric buses for Metro Mondego has arrived and was presented to the public on Praça 25 de Abril.
Two more are on the way to Portugal and the rest will be delivered in two batches of 16 each.

18 października 2022 r.

Trolleybus service is suspended due to roadworks, may return in 2024.

1 czerwca 2018 r.

The trolleybuses are back to service.

28 czerwca 2017 r.

Trolleybuses do not operate since January 2017. The overhead is partially dismantled due to construction works. The overhead reconstruction and acquisition of new trolleybuses are planned using EU funds.