TransphotoElektromos városi közlekedés

STEFER series "Napoletana"

1904-1936, Naples, Italy

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Series of 2-axle motor car and 2-axle trailer car for urban service built by Officine Ferroviarie Meridionali
2-axle motor car: 7-14
2-axle trailer car: 113-120

Technical specifications for motor cars:
Constructors : Officine Ferroviarie Meridionali
Electrical parts: CGE
Motor: GE216
Controller: K36
Compressor: CP25
Bogie: 1 truck type: Brill 21-E

Technical specifications for trailer cars:
Constructors : Officine Ferroviarie Meridionali
Bogie: 2 radial axes

In service until the end of 50'. The last was used for maintenance vehicle.

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