TransPhotoMiejski Transport Elektryczny

Lista pojazdów

Calcutta Class N

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Nr 2nd # Wypr. Od... Miasto Zajezdnia Notatka
628 1982 Kolkata CTC 600-659
629 1982 Kolkata CTC 600-659
607 ৬০৭ 1982 Kolkata BL 600-659, mothballed at Belgachia Depot since 2017, cut off from system
609 1982 Kolkata BL 600-659; Melbourne Class “B”-style front, mothballed at Belgachia Depot since 2017
610 1982 Kolkata BL 600-659, mothballed at Belgachia Depot since 2017, cut off from system
616 1982 Kolkata BL 600-659, mothballed at Belgachia Depot since 2017, cut off from system
636 1982 Kolkata BL 600-659; rebuilt with modern body and fiberglass windows, mothballed at Belgachia Depot
605 1982 Kolkata CTC 600-659
608 1982 Kolkata CTC 600-659
612 1982 Kolkata CTC 600-659, mothballed at Belgachia Depot since 2017, cut off from system
644 1982 Kolkata CTC 600-659
650 1982 Kolkata KG 600-659
621 ৬২১ 1982 Kolkata NP 600-659
637 ৬৩৭ 1982 Kolkata NP 600-659
640 1982 Kolkata TG 600-659
648 1982 Kolkata TG 600-659
602 1982 Kolkata CTC 600-659
603 1982 Kolkata CTC 600-659
604 1982 Kolkata CTC 600-659
606 1982 Kolkata CTC 600-659
611 1982 Kolkata CTC 600-659
614 1982 Kolkata CTC 600-659
615 1982 Kolkata CTC 600-659
617 1982 Kolkata CTC 600-659; rebuilt with modern body and fiberglass windows
618 1982 Kolkata CTC 600-659
619 1982 Kolkata CTC 600-659
620 1982 Kolkata CTC 600-659
622 1982 Kolkata CTC 600-659
623 1982 Kolkata CTC 600-659
624 1982 Kolkata CTC 600-659
625 1982 Kolkata CTC 600-659
626 1982 Kolkata CTC 600-659; rebuilt with modern body and fiberglass windows
627 1982 Kolkata CTC 600-659
630 1982 Kolkata CTC 600-659; rebuilt with modern body and fiberglass windows
631 1982 Kolkata CTC 600-659
632 1982 Kolkata CTC 600-659
633 1982 Kolkata CTC 600-659
634 1982 Kolkata CTC 600-659
635 1982 Kolkata CTC 600-659
639 1982 Kolkata CTC 600-659
643 1982 Kolkata CTC 600-659
645 1982 Kolkata CTC 600-659
646 1982 Kolkata CTC 600-659
647 1982 Kolkata CTC 600-659
649 1982 Kolkata CTC 600-659; Melbourne Class “B”-style front; nickname "Sunrise"
651 1982 Kolkata CTC 600-659
652 1982 Kolkata CTC 600-659; modern front
653 1982 Kolkata CTC 600-659
654 1982 Kolkata CTC 600-659
655 1982 Kolkata CTC 600-659; modern front
656 1982 Kolkata CTC 600-659
657 1982 Kolkata CTC 600-659; used for "ladies special service"
659 1982 Kolkata CTC 600-659
613 1982 Kolkata GH 600-659
211 1982 Kolkata CTC 207-281
601 1982 ???? Kolkata BL 600-659, mothballed at Belgachia Depot since 2017, cut off from system
600 ৬০০ 1982 ≈ 2020 Kolkata TW ≈ 2020 ex CTC
638 ৬৩৮ 1982 ≈ 2020 Kolkata TW ≈ 2020 ex CTC
641 ৬৪১ 1982 ≈ 2020 Kolkata TW ≈ 2020 ex CTC
642 ৬৪২ 1982 ≈ 2020 Kolkata TW ≈ 2020 ex CTC
658 ৬৫৮ 1982 ≈ 2020 Kolkata TW ≈ 2020 ex CTC
712 1988 Kolkata CTC 701-725
725 1988 Kolkata CTC 701-725
704 1988 Kolkata BL 701-725, mothballed at Belgachia Depot since 2017, cut off from system
724 1988 Kolkata BL 701-725, mothballed at Belgachia Depot since 2017, cut off from system
703 1988 Kolkata KP 701-725
720 ৭২০ 1988 Kolkata NP 701-725
701 1988 Kolkata CTC 701-725
702 1988 Kolkata CTC 701-725
705 1988 Kolkata CTC 701-725
706 1988 Kolkata CTC 701-725
707 1988 Kolkata CTC 701-725
709 1988 Kolkata CTC 701-725
710 1988 Kolkata CTC 701-725
711 1988 Kolkata CTC 701-725
713 1988 Kolkata CTC 701-725
714 1988 Kolkata CTC 701-725
715 1988 Kolkata CTC 701-725
716 1988 Kolkata CTC 701-725
717 1988 Kolkata CTC 701-725
718 1988 Kolkata CTC 701-725
719 1988 Kolkata CTC 701-725
721 1988 Kolkata CTC 701-725
722 1988 Kolkata CTC 701-725
723 1988 Kolkata CTC 701-725
708 1988 Kolkata RB 701-725

Pokazano zapisów: 86 z 86

Oznakowania kolorowe

W bieżącej eksploatacji
Nie jeździł na linii
Abandoned / Dead storage
Los i miejsce pobytu nie jest znane
Remont kapitalny lub modernizacja (zmiana modelu)
Przenumerowany lub sprzedany w ramach sieci
Odesłany do drugiego miasta
Zmiana numeru rejestracyjnego w ramach zakładu


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