TransPhotoPilsētas elektrotransports

Ritošā sastāva saraksts

Stephenson cable car

Iecelšana:  jebkura  ·  pasažierie  ·  dienestie  ·  muzejie

Raž. Pilsēta Depo/Parks Piezīme
501 1888 Čikāga North Chicago St. RR Converted to trailer (?)
502 1888 Čikāga North Chicago St. RR Converted to trailer (?)
503 1888 Čikāga North Chicago St. RR Converted to trailer (?)
504 1888 Čikāga North Chicago St. RR Converted to trailer (?)
505 1888 Čikāga North Chicago St. RR Converted to trailer (?)
506 1888 Čikāga North Chicago St. RR Converted to trailer (?)
507 1888 Čikāga North Chicago St. RR Converted to trailer (?)
508 1888 Čikāga North Chicago St. RR Converted to trailer (?)
509 1888 Čikāga North Chicago St. RR Converted to trailer (?)
510 1888 Čikāga North Chicago St. RR Converted to trailer (?)
511 1888 Čikāga North Chicago St. RR Converted to trailer (?)
512 1888 Čikāga North Chicago St. RR Converted to trailer (?)
513 1888 Čikāga North Chicago St. RR Converted to trailer (?)
514 1888 Čikāga North Chicago St. RR Converted to trailer (?)
515 1888 Čikāga North Chicago St. RR Converted to trailer (?)
516 1888 Čikāga North Chicago St. RR Converted to trailer (?)
517 1888 Čikāga North Chicago St. RR Converted to trailer (?)
518 1888 Čikāga North Chicago St. RR Converted to trailer (?)
519 1888 Čikāga North Chicago St. RR Converted to trailer (?)
520 1888 Čikāga North Chicago St. RR Converted to trailer (?)
521 1888 Čikāga North Chicago St. RR Converted to trailer (?)
522 1888 Čikāga North Chicago St. RR Converted to trailer (?)
523 1888 Čikāga North Chicago St. RR Converted to trailer (?)
524 1888 Čikāga North Chicago St. RR Converted to trailer (?)
525 1888 Čikāga North Chicago St. RR Converted to trailer (?)
526 1888 Čikāga North Chicago St. RR Converted to trailer (?)
527 1888 Čikāga North Chicago St. RR Converted to trailer (?)
528 1888 Čikāga North Chicago St. RR Converted to trailer (?)
529 1888 Čikāga North Chicago St. RR Converted to trailer (?)
530 1888 Čikāga North Chicago St. RR Converted to trailer (?)

Parādītie ieraksti: 30 no 30

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