TransPhotoPilsētas elektrotransports

Ritošā sastāva saraksts

Helios 2-axle motor car

Iecelšana:  jebkura  ·  pasažierie  ·  dienestie  ·  muzejie

Raž. No... Līdz... Pilsēta Depo/Parks Piezīme
1 1902 1902 1946 Halberstadt HVG 1946 to Helios 2-axle trailer car
5 1902 1902 1952 Halberstadt HVG 1952 to Helios 2-axle trailer car
2 1902 1902 1956 Halberstadt HVG
3 1902 1902 1957 Halberstadt HVG
4 1902 1902 1942 Halberstadt HVG
6 1902 1902 1953 Halberstadt HVG
8 1902 1902 1941 Halberstadt HVG
9 1902 1902 1930 Halberstadt HVG
10 1902 1902 1943 Halberstadt HVG
12 1902 1902 1958 Halberstadt HVG
13 1902 1902 1970 Halberstadt HVG
15 1902 1902 1942 Halberstadt HVG
1 1902 1902 La Spezia -
2 1902 1902 La Spezia -
3 1902 1902 La Spezia -
4 1902 1902 La Spezia -
5 1902 1902 La Spezia -
6 1902 1902 La Spezia -
7 1902 1950 ???? Halberstadt HVG 1950 ex revenue service
11 1902 1953 ???? Halberstadt HVG 1953 ex revenue service
14 1902 1957 ???? Halberstadt HVG 1957 ex revenue service
16 1903 1903 1930 Halberstadt HVG
17 1904 1904 1930 Halberstadt HVG
18 1904 1904 1930 Halberstadt HVG
19 1904 1904 1933 Halberstadt HVG
7 1904 1904 La Spezia -
8 1904 1904 La Spezia -
9 1904 1904 La Spezia -
10 1904 1904 La Spezia -
11 1904 1904 La Spezia -
12 1904 1904 La Spezia -
13 1904 1904 La Spezia -
14 1904 1904 La Spezia -
15 1904 1904 La Spezia -
16 1904 1904 La Spezia -
17 1904 1904 La Spezia -
18 1904 1904 La Spezia -
19 1904 1904 La Spezia -
20 1904 1904 La Spezia -
20 1905 1905 1933 Halberstadt HVG
21 1905 1905 1939 Halberstadt HVG
23 1906 1906 1943 Halberstadt HVG
22 1906 1935 ???? Halberstadt HVG 1935 ex revenue service

Parādītie ieraksti: 43 no 43

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