TransphotoElektrischer Nahverkehr


Pullman West End Type 2

Verwendungszweck:  beliebig  ·  Linienfahrzeuge  ·  Arbeitswagen  ·  Museumsfahrzeuge

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Nr. Bj. von... Verschr. Stadt Betr./Dep. Bemerkung
780 12.1891 12.1891 12.1897 Boston Boston Elevated Ry. Burned in the Everett Carhouse fire
777 12.1891 12.1891 1919 Boston Boston Elevated Ry.
785 12.1891 12.1891 1919 Boston Boston Elevated Ry.
61 12.1891 12.1891 1920 Boston Boston Elevated Ry.
157 12.1891 12.1891 1920 Boston Boston Elevated Ry.
172 12.1891 12.1891 1920 Boston Boston Elevated Ry.
775 12.1891 12.1891 1920 Boston Boston Elevated Ry.
776 12.1891 12.1891 1920 Boston Boston Elevated Ry.
779 12.1891 12.1891 1920 Boston Boston Elevated Ry.
783 12.1891 12.1891 1920 Boston Boston Elevated Ry.
788 12.1891 12.1891 1920 Boston Boston Elevated Ry.
42 12.1891 12.1891 1921 Boston Boston Elevated Ry.
45 12.1891 12.1891 1921 Boston Boston Elevated Ry.
162 12.1891 12.1891 1921 Boston Boston Elevated Ry.
223 12.1891 12.1891 1921 Boston Boston Elevated Ry.
224 12.1891 12.1891 1921 Boston Boston Elevated Ry.
227 12.1891 12.1891 1921 Boston Boston Elevated Ry.
228 12.1891 12.1891 1921 Boston Boston Elevated Ry.
232 12.1891 12.1891 1921 Boston Boston Elevated Ry.
240 12.1891 12.1891 1921 Boston Boston Elevated Ry.
243 12.1891 12.1891 1921 Boston Boston Elevated Ry.
248 12.1891 12.1891 1921 Boston Boston Elevated Ry. Burned in the Amory Street Carhouse fire
249 12.1891 12.1891 1921 Boston Boston Elevated Ry.
252 12.1891 12.1891 1921 Boston Boston Elevated Ry.
259 12.1891 12.1891 1921 Boston Boston Elevated Ry.
260 12.1891 12.1891 1921 Boston Boston Elevated Ry.
261 12.1891 12.1891 1921 Boston Boston Elevated Ry.
262 12.1891 12.1891 1921 Boston Boston Elevated Ry.
263 12.1891 12.1891 1921 Boston Boston Elevated Ry.
264 12.1891 12.1891 1921 Boston Boston Elevated Ry.
774 12.1891 12.1891 1921 Boston Boston Elevated Ry.
781 12.1891 12.1891 1921 Boston Boston Elevated Ry.
784 12.1891 12.1891 1921 Boston Boston Elevated Ry.
786 12.1891 12.1891 1921 Boston Boston Elevated Ry.
789 12.1891 12.1891 1921 Boston Boston Elevated Ry.
251 12.1891 12.1891 1922 Boston Boston Elevated Ry.
214 12.1891 12.1891 1923 Boston Boston Elevated Ry.
220 12.1891 12.1891 1923 Boston Boston Elevated Ry.
221 12.1891 12.1891 1923 Boston Boston Elevated Ry.
225 12.1891 12.1891 1923 Boston Boston Elevated Ry.
257 12.1891 12.1891 1923 Boston Boston Elevated Ry.
787 12.1891 12.1891 1923 Boston Boston Elevated Ry.
782 12.1891 12.1891 1927 Boston Boston Elevated Ry.
778 12.1891 1919 Boston Boston Elevated Ry. Compressor car. 1919 ex revenue service
246 12.1891 1920 Boston Boston Elevated Ry. Compressor car. 1920 ex revenue service
265 12.1891 1920 Boston Boston Elevated Ry. Compressor car. 1920 ex revenue service
183 12.1891 1922 Boston Boston Elevated Ry. Sand car. 1922 ex revenue service
231 12.1891 1922 Boston Boston Elevated Ry. Wire car. 1922 ex revenue service
40 12.1891 29.08.1947 Boston MTA/MBTA Compressor car. 29.08.1947 ex Boston Elevated Ry.; 1919 ex revenue service

Datensätze angezeigt: 49 aus 49


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