TransphotoSähköinen kaupunkiliikenne


Toronto, Halton County Radial Railway

Opened in 1953

Käyttötarkoitus:  mikä tahansa  ·  matkustaja  ·  työ / rahti  ·  museo

# Malli Sarjanumero Valmistettu Tulo Huom.
3 Preston interurban trailer car 1915 1971 1971 ex London, 3
8 Jewett interurban motor car 1915 1971 1971 ex London, 8
23 4-axle motor car 1901 1983 1983 ex London, 23
55 Preston 2-axle motor car 10.1915 1954 1954 ex 2210; 1931 ex revenue service; 05.1923 ex 55; 1921 ex TCR
82 Ottawa 4-axle motor car 1923 1985 1985 ex Oshawa, 82
107 Ottawa interurban motor car 1912 1956 1956 ex Montreal, 107
212 Birney 1922 1990 1990 ex Windsor, 212
327 Toronto Railway Co. 2-axle motor car 1933 1968 Replica, built by Toronto Transportation Commission
416 Ottawa 4-axle motor car 1925 1973 1973 ex Toronto & York
521 National Steel 4-axle motor car 1927 1975 1951 ex Hamilton, 521
797 Preston 4-axle motor car 1915 1999 Ex Lake Erie & Northern Railway.
1326 Toronto Railway Co. 4-axle motor car 1910 1954 1954 ex revenue service
1704 Toronto Railway Co. 2-axle motor car 1913 1962 1962 ex W-25; 1925 ex 1704
2395 CCF 4-axle trailer car 1921 1983 1983 ex revenue service
2424 CCF Peter Witt 1921 1962 1962 ex revenue service
2786 CCF Peter Witt 1923 ???? ???? ex revenue service
2894 Ottawa Peter Witt 1923 1986 1986 ex revenue service
2984 CCF Peter Witt 1923 1981 For sale. 1981 ex revenue service
4000 PCC 1938 1968 1968 ex work service; 1963 ex revenue service
4003 UTDC CLRV 781004 01.1978 11.2019 Построен в Швейцарии / Built in Switzerland. 11.2019 ex Russell
4010 UTDC CLRV 7911181 01.1979 11.2019 11.2019 ex Russell
4024 UTDC CLRV 7931195 03.1979 16.03.2020 Temporary storage; to be sent to American Industrial Mining Company Museum. 16.03.2020 ex Russell
4039 UTDC CLRV 7931210 03.1979 11.2019 11.2019 ex Russell
4040 UTDC CLRV 7941211 04.1979 2020 2020 ex Russell
4053 UTDC CLRV 7941224 04.1979 2020 2020 ex Russell
4068 UTDC CLRV 8011239 01.1980 21.02.2020 Temporary storage; to be sent to Seashore Trolley Museum. 21.02.2020 ex Russell
4133 UTDC CLRV 8111304 01.1981 22.02.2020 Temporary storage; to be sent to Seashore Trolley Museum. 22.02.2020 ex Russell
4170 UTDC CLRV 8131341 03.1981 17.03.2020 Temporary storage; to be sent to American Industrial Mining Company Museum. 17.03.2020 ex Roncesvalles
4178 UTDC CLRV 8131349 03.1981 14.02.2020 14.02.2020 ex Roncesvalles
4204 UTDC ALRV 88761680 1988 10.2019 10.2019 ex Roncesvalles
4386 PCC 1947 09.1992 09.1992 ex revenue service
4426 PCC 1949 1982 1982 ex revenue service
4600 PCC 1951 1996 1996 ex revenue service; 1986 ex 4505
4611 PCC 1951 1996 1996 ex revenue service; 1990 ex 4540
4618 PCC 1951 1996 Converted to ice cream shop. 1996 ex revenue service; 1992 ex 4501
4684 PCC 1946 1982 1982 ex revenue service; 10.1952 ex Cleveland, 4259; 09.1946 ex Louisville, 509
C-1 Toronto Railway Co. 4-axle motor car 1911 1967 Crane car. 1967 ex [TTC]
L2 Electric locomotive 5001 04.1915 1997 1997 ex London, L2
M-4 (not in the list) 1915 1962 Self-propelled welding car. Acquired from Lake Erie & Northern Railway.
M-6 (not in the list) 1934 Acquired from Lake Erie & Northern Railway.
S-37 Russel snow removal car 1920 1974 Snow sweeper. 1974 ex work service; 05.1948 ex New York City, 90; 1935 ex Eastern Massachusetts, P-608
TP-11 Snow removal car 1946 1978 Snow plow. 1978 ex [TTC]
W-28 Preston 2-axle motor car 01.1917 1976 Rail grinder. 1976 ex work service; 1955 ex 2214; 1931 ex revenue service; 05.1923 ex 57; 1921 ex TCR
W-30 PCC 1946 09.2002 Rail grinder. 09.2002 ex work service; 04.1976 ex 4631; 1953 ex Cleveland, 4206
W-31 PCC 1946 2002 Rail grinder. 2002 ex work service; 1976 ex 4668; 06.1953 ex Cleveland, 4243

Näytetyt tietueet: 45 / 50

Poistetut, siirretyt ja uudistetut kulkuneuvot

# Malli Valmistettu Tulo Meno Huom.
2890 Ottawa Peter Witt 1923 1963 1963 ex revenue service. 1999 to Kennebunkport, 2890
4633 PCC 1946 ???? 1996 Probably scrapped for parts after 1996. ???? ex revenue service; 1953 ex Cleveland, 4208
C-2 4-axle motor car 1921 1972 Crane car. 1972 ex [TTC]. 1975 to Worthington, C-2
W-4 Toronto Railway Co. 4-axle motor car 1904 1972 Probably scrapped for parts. 1972 ex [TTC]
W-8 Toronto Railway Co. 4-axle motor car 1909 1972 Probably scrapped for parts. 1972 ex [TTC]

Näytetyt tietueet: 5 / 50


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