TransPhotoPilsētas elektrotransports

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Akron, Akron Street Railway Co.

1883 Akron Street Railway & Herdic Co. → 1888 Akron Street Railway Co. → 1890 Akron Street Railroad Co. → 1895–1899 Akron Street Railway & Illuminating Co. Merged into Northern Ohio Traction Co.

Iecelšana:  jebkura  ·  pasažierie  ·  dienestie  ·  muzejie

Modelis Rūp.№ Raž. No... Līdz... Piezīme
1 Peter Herdic horse car 1883 1883 ≈ 1888
2 Peter Herdic horse car 1883 1883 ≈ 1888
3 Peter Herdic horse car 1883 1883 ≈ 1888
4 Peter Herdic horse car 1883 1883 ≈ 1888
5 Peter Herdic horse car 1883 1883 ≈ 1888
6 Peter Herdic horse car 1883 1883 ≈ 1888
7 Jones horse car 1887 1887 ≈ 1889
8 Jones horse car 1887 1887 ≈ 1889
9 Jones horse car 1887 1887 ≈ 1889
36 Wells & French 2-axle motor car 1896 1896 07.1899 to Northern Ohio; 1904 to 135
38 Wells & French 2-axle motor car 1896 1896 07.1899 to Northern Ohio; 1904 to 137
40 Wells & French 2-axle motor car 1896 1896 07.1899 to Northern Ohio; 1904 to 139
42 Wells & French 2-axle motor car 1896 1896 07.1899 to Northern Ohio; 1904 to 141
44 Wells & French 2-axle motor car 1896 1896 07.1899 to Northern Ohio; 1904 to 143
46 Wells & French 2-axle motor car 1896 1896 07.1899 to Northern Ohio; 1904 to 145
48 Wells & French 2-axle motor car 1896 1896 07.1899 to Northern Ohio; 1904 to 147
50 Wells & French 2-axle motor car 1896 1896 07.1899 to Northern Ohio; 1904 to 149
52 Wells & French 2-axle motor car 1896 1896 07.1899 to Northern Ohio; 1904 to 151
54 Wells & French 2-axle motor car 1896 1896 07.1899 to Northern Ohio; 1904 to 153
56 Wells & French 2-axle motor car 1896 1896 07.1899 to Northern Ohio; 1904 to 155
58 Wells & French 2-axle motor car 1896 1896 07.1899 to Northern Ohio; 1904 to 157
60 Wells & French 2-axle motor car 1896 1896 07.1899 to Northern Ohio; 1904 to 159
62 Wells & French 2-axle motor car 1896 1896 07.1899 to Northern Ohio; 1904 to 161
65 Jackson & Sharp 2-axle motor car 178 1894 09.1894 07.1899 to Northern Ohio; 1904 to 170
67 Jackson & Sharp 2-axle motor car 179 1894 09.1894 07.1899 to Northern Ohio; 1904 to 172
69 Jackson & Sharp 2-axle motor car 180 1894 09.1894 07.1899 to Northern Ohio; 1904 to 174
71 Jackson & Sharp 2-axle motor car 181 1894 09.1894 ≈ 1897

Parādītie ieraksti: 27 no 27

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