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Detroit, Detroit & Northwestern Railway Co.

1897 Grand River Electric Railway Co. → 1899–1901 Detroit & Northwestern Railway Co. Merged with Detroit United Railway Co.

Käyttötarkoitus:  mikä tahansa  ·  matkustaja  ·  työ / rahti  ·  museo

# Malli Valmistettu Tulo Huom.
1 Wells & French 2-axle motor car 1895 31.03.1899 31.03.1899 ex Pontiac, 1. 05.1901 to Detroit United, 41 (?)
2 Wells & French 2-axle motor car 1895 31.03.1899 31.03.1899 ex Pontiac, 2. 05.1901 to Detroit United, 42
3 Wells & French 2-axle motor car 1895 31.03.1899 31.03.1899 ex Pontiac, 3. 05.1901 to Detroit United, 43
4 Wells & French 2-axle motor car 1895 31.03.1899 31.03.1899 ex Pontiac, 4. 05.1901 to Detroit United, 44
5 Kuhlman interurban motor car 1900 05.1901 to Detroit United, 7051
6 Kuhlman interurban motor car 1900 05.1901 to Detroit United, 7052
7 Kuhlman interurban motor car 1900 05.1901 to Detroit United, 7053
8 Kuhlman interurban motor car 1900 05.1901 to Detroit United, 7054
9 Kuhlman interurban motor car 1900 05.1901 to Detroit United, 7055
10 Kuhlman interurban motor car 1900 05.1901 to Detroit United, 7056
11 Kuhlman interurban motor car 1900 05.1901 to Detroit United, 7057
12 Kuhlman interurban motor car 1900 05.1901 to Detroit United, 7058
13 Kuhlman interurban motor car 1900 05.1901 to Detroit United, 7059
14 Kuhlman interurban motor car 1900 05.1901 to Detroit United, 7060
15 Kuhlman interurban motor car 1900 05.1901 to Detroit United, 7061
16 Kuhlman interurban motor car 1900 05.1901 to Detroit United, 7062

Näytetyt tietueet: 16 / 16


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