TransphotoSähköinen kaupunkiliikenne


Washington, DC, Metropolitan Railroad Co.

1864–1902 (in operation since 1865). Merged into Washington Railway & Electric Co.

Käyttötarkoitus:  mikä tahansa  ·  matkustaja  ·  työ / rahti  ·  museo

# Malli Valmistettu Meno Huom.
100 Brill snow removal car 1897 Snow sweeper. 1902 to WR&ECo, 02; 1933 to Capital Transit
101 American 2-axle trailer car 1895 1902 to WR&ECo, 600
102 American 2-axle trailer car 1895 1902 to WR&ECo, 601
103 American 2-axle trailer car 1895 1902 to WR&ECo, 602
104 American 2-axle trailer car 1895 1902 to WR&ECo, 603
105 American 2-axle trailer car 1895 1902 to WR&ECo, 604
106 American 2-axle trailer car 1895 1902 to WR&ECo, 605
107 American 2-axle trailer car 1895 1902 to WR&ECo, 606
108 American 2-axle trailer car 1895 1902 to WR&ECo, 607
109 American 2-axle trailer car 1895 1902 to WR&ECo, 608
110 American 2-axle trailer car 1895 1902 to WR&ECo, 609
111 American 2-axle trailer car 1895 1902 to WR&ECo, 610
112 American 2-axle trailer car 1895 1902 to WR&ECo, 611
113 American 2-axle trailer car 1895 1902 to WR&ECo, 612
114 American 2-axle trailer car 1895 1902 to WR&ECo, 613
115 American 2-axle trailer car 1895 1902 to WR&ECo, 614
116 American 2-axle trailer car 1895 1902 to WR&ECo, 615
117 American 2-axle trailer car 1895 1902 to WR&ECo, 616
118 American 2-axle trailer car 1895 1902 to WR&ECo, 617
119 American 2-axle trailer car 1895 1902 to WR&ECo, 618
120 American 2-axle trailer car 1895 1902 to WR&ECo, 619
121 American 2-axle trailer car 1895 1902 to WR&ECo, 620
122 American 2-axle trailer car 1895 1902 to WR&ECo, 621
123 American 2-axle trailer car 1895 1902 to WR&ECo, 622
201 American 2-axle motor car 1896 1902 to WR&ECo, 1100 series
328 American 2-axle motor car 1896 1902 to WR&ECo, 100 series
400 American 4-axle motor car 1900 1902 to WR&ECo, 1600
401 American 4-axle motor car 1900 1902 to WR&ECo, 1601
402 American 4-axle motor car 1900 1902 to WR&ECo, 1602; 1933 to Capital Transit
403 American 4-axle motor car 1900 1902 to WR&ECo, 1603
404 American 4-axle motor car 1900 1902 to WR&ECo, 1604; 1933 to Capital Transit
405 American 4-axle motor car 1900 1902 to WR&ECo, 1605; 1933 to Capital Transit
406 American 4-axle motor car 1900 1902 to WR&ECo, 1606
407 American 4-axle motor car 1900 1902 to WR&ECo, 1607; 1933 to Capital Transit
408 American 4-axle motor car 1900 1902 to WR&ECo, 1608; 1933 to Capital Transit
409 American 4-axle motor car 1900 1902 to WR&ECo, 1609; 1933 to Capital Transit
410 American 4-axle motor car 1900 1902 to WR&ECo, 1610; 1933 to Capital Transit
411 American 4-axle motor car 1900 1902 to WR&ECo, 1611
412 American 4-axle motor car 1900 1902 to WR&ECo, 1612; 1933 to Capital Transit
413 American 4-axle motor car 1900 1902 to WR&ECo, 1613; 1933 to Capital Transit
414 American 4-axle motor car 1900 1902 to WR&ECo, 1614; 1933 to Capital Transit
415 American 4-axle motor car 1900 1902 to WR&ECo, 1615; 1933 to Capital Transit
416 American 4-axle motor car 1900 1902 to WR&ECo, 1616; 1933 to Capital Transit
417 American 4-axle motor car 1900 1902 to WR&ECo, 1617; 1933 to Capital Transit
418 American 4-axle motor car 1900 1902 to WR&ECo, 1618; 1933 to Capital Transit
419 American 4-axle motor car 1900 1902 to WR&ECo, 1619; 1933 to Capital Transit
420 American 4-axle motor car 1900 1902 to WR&ECo, 1620; 1933 to Capital Transit
421 American 4-axle motor car 1900 1902 to WR&ECo, 1621; 1933 to Capital Transit
422 American 4-axle motor car 1900 1902 to WR&ECo, 1622; 1933 to Capital Transit
423 American 4-axle motor car 1900 1902 to WR&ECo, 1623; 1921 to work service; 1933 to Capital Transit
424 American 4-axle motor car 1900 1902 to WR&ECo, 1624; 1933 to Capital Transit
425 American 4-axle motor car 1900 1902 to WR&ECo, 1625; 1933 to Capital Transit
426 American 4-axle motor car 1900 1902 to WR&ECo, 1626; 1933 to Capital Transit
427 American 4-axle motor car 1900 1902 to WR&ECo, 1627
428 American 4-axle motor car 1900 1902 to WR&ECo, 1628
429 American 4-axle motor car 1900 1902 to WR&ECo, 1629; 1933 to Capital Transit
430 American 4-axle motor car 1900 1902 to WR&ECo, 1630; 1933 to Capital Transit
431 American 4-axle motor car 1900 1902 to WR&ECo, 1631; 1933 to Capital Transit
432 American 4-axle motor car 1900 1902 to WR&ECo, 1632; 1933 to Capital Transit
433 American 4-axle motor car 1900 1902 to WR&ECo, 1633
434 American 4-axle motor car 1900 1902 to WR&ECo, 1634
435 American 4-axle motor car 1900 1902 to WR&ECo, 1635; 1933 to Capital Transit
436 American 4-axle motor car 1900 1902 to WR&ECo, 1636; 1933 to Capital Transit
437 American 4-axle motor car 1900 1902 to WR&ECo, 1637
438 American 4-axle motor car 1900 1902 to WR&ECo, 1638; 1923 to work service
439 American 4-axle motor car 1900 1902 to WR&ECo, 1639; 1918 to work service
440 American 4-axle motor car 1900 1902 to WR&ECo, 1640; 1933 to Capital Transit
441 American 4-axle motor car 1900 1902 to WR&ECo, 1641; 1933 to Capital Transit
442 American 4-axle motor car 1900 1902 to WR&ECo, 1642; 1933 to Capital Transit
443 American 4-axle motor car 1900 1902 to WR&ECo, 1643; 1933 to Capital Transit
444 American 4-axle motor car 1900 1902 to WR&ECo, 1644; 1933 to Capital Transit
445 American 4-axle motor car 1900 1902 to WR&ECo, 1645
446 American 4-axle motor car 1900 1902 to WR&ECo, 1646
447 American 4-axle motor car 1900 1902 to WR&ECo, 1647
448 American 4-axle motor car 1900 1902 to WR&ECo, 1648
449 American 4-axle motor car 1900 1902 to WR&ECo, 1649
700 Stephenson 4-axle motor car 1899 1901 Sold
701 Stephenson 4-axle motor car 1899 1901 Sold
702 Stephenson 4-axle motor car 1899 1901 Sold
703 Stephenson 4-axle motor car 1899 1901 Sold
704 Stephenson 4-axle motor car 1899 1901 Sold
705 Stephenson 4-axle motor car 1899 1901 Sold
706 Stephenson 4-axle motor car 1899 1901 Sold
707 Stephenson 4-axle motor car 1899 1901 Sold
708 Stephenson 4-axle motor car 1899 1901 Sold
709 Stephenson 4-axle motor car 1899 1901 Sold
710 Stephenson 4-axle motor car 1899 1901 Sold
711 Stephenson 4-axle motor car 1899 1901 Sold
712 Stephenson 4-axle motor car 1899 1901 Sold
713 Stephenson 4-axle motor car 1899 1901 Sold
714 Stephenson 4-axle motor car 1899 1901 Sold
715 Stephenson 4-axle motor car 1899 1901 Sold
716 Stephenson 4-axle motor car 1899 1901 Sold
717 Stephenson 4-axle motor car 1899 1901 Sold
718 Stephenson 4-axle motor car 1899 1901 Sold
719 Stephenson 4-axle motor car 1899 1901 Sold
720 Stephenson 4-axle motor car 1899 1901 1901 to Richmond (Virginia)
721 Stephenson 4-axle motor car 1899 1901 1901 to Richmond (Virginia)
722 Stephenson 4-axle motor car 1899 1901 1901 to Richmond (Virginia)
723 Stephenson 4-axle motor car 1899 1901 1901 to Danville (Illinois)
724 Stephenson 4-axle motor car 1899 1901 Sold
725 Stephenson 4-axle motor car 1899 1901 1901 to Danville (Illinois)
726 Stephenson 4-axle motor car 1899 1901 1901 to Danville (Illinois)
727 Stephenson 4-axle motor car 1899 1901 1901 to Danville (Illinois)
728 Stephenson 4-axle motor car 1899 1901 Sold
729 Stephenson 4-axle motor car 1899 1901 Sold
730 Stephenson 4-axle motor car 1899 1901 Sold
731 Stephenson 4-axle motor car 1899 1901 Sold
732 Stephenson 4-axle motor car 1899 1901 Sold
733 Stephenson 4-axle motor car 1899 1901 Sold
734 Stephenson 4-axle motor car 1899 1901 Sold
735 Stephenson 4-axle motor car 1899 1901 Sold
736 Stephenson 4-axle motor car 1899 1901 Sold
737 Stephenson 4-axle motor car 1899 1901 Sold
738 Stephenson 4-axle motor car 1899 1901 Sold
739 Stephenson 4-axle motor car 1899 1901 1901 to Lewistown & Reedsville Electric Railway Co. (Lewistown, PA)

Näytetyt tietueet: 116 / 116


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