TransPhotoPilsētas elektrotransports

Ritošā sastāva saraksts

Birkenhead, Wirral Transport Museum & Heritage Tramway

Iecelšana:  jebkura  ·  pasažierie  ·  dienestie  ·  muzejie

Modelis Raž. No... Līdz... Piezīme
7 Starbuck horse car 1876 1984
11 Horse car 1886 05.05.2021 10.2023 to Hooton Park, Ellesmere Park. 05.05.2021 ex Jurby, 11; 1976 ex Douglas, 11; 02.1902 ex IMTEPC
20 Milnes 2-axle motor car 1900 11.2018 07.2017 ex Blackpool, 20; 04.2012 ex Beamish, 20; 03.2012 ex Birkenhead, 20; 1937 ex ВСТ
28 2-axle motor car 1902 24.07.2004 Former Warrington 2, will be 28 after restoration
43 Horse car 1890 ≈ 1980
47 Horse car 1911 04.05.2021 10.2023 to Hooton Park, Ellesmere Park. 04.05.2021 ex Jurby, 47; 1978 ex Douglas, 47
69 Hong Kong Tramways VI 1992 03.1995 03.1995 ex Blackpool, 69
70 Hong Kong Tramways VI 1992
78 Brush 2-axle motor car 1920 1987 Top-covered double-deck. 1933 ex Wallasey, 78
245 2-axle motor car 1938 2006 ≈ 1960 ex Liverpool, 245
762 4-axle motor car 1931 10.2010 Enclosed double-deck. 10.2010 ex Blackpool, 762; 15.09.2010 ex Birkenhead, 762; 1955 ex Liverpool, 762

Parādītie ieraksti: 11 no 14

Norakstīti, nodoti un modernizēti TL

Modelis Raž. No... Līdz... Piezīme
20 Milnes 2-axle motor car 1900 1999 03.2012 1937 ex ВСТ. 03.2012 to Beamish, 20; 04.2012 to Blackpool, 20; 11.2018 to Birkenhead, 20
730 Carris 2-axle motorcar (Standard) ≥ 1936 2004 22.01.2024 ≈ 1995 ex Lisbon, 730. 22.01.2024 to Beamish, 730
762 4-axle motor car 1931 2000 15.09.2010 Enclosed double-deck. 1955 ex Liverpool, 762. 15.09.2010 to Blackpool, 762; 10.2010 to Birkenhead, 762

Parādītie ieraksti: 3 no 14

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Viss vienā tabulā  ·  Norakstīti un nodoti atsevišķi  ·  Pirmkārt, tikai darbīgs
Abandoned up  ·  Abandoned down
Bez fotogrāfijās  ·  Rādīt fotoattēlus
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