TransPhotoMiejski Transport Elektryczny

Lista pojazdów

Taunton, Dighton Somerset & Swansea Street Railway Co.

1895–1900. 1900 to Globe Street Railway Co.

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Nr Model Wypr. Notatka
1 Jones 2-axle motor car 1895 24.04.1900 to Globe St. Ry.; 19.01.1901 to Eastern Massachusetts, 3644
2 Jones 2-axle motor car 1895 24.04.1900 to Globe St. Ry.; 19.01.1901 to Eastern Massachusetts, 3645
3 Jones 2-axle motor car 1896 24.04.1900 to Globe St. Ry., 113; 19.01.1901 to Eastern Massachusetts, 3660
4 Jones 2-axle motor car 1896 24.04.1900 to Globe St. Ry., 114; 19.01.1901 to Eastern Massachusetts, 3661
5 Jones 2-axle motor car 1896 24.04.1900 to Globe St. Ry., 115; 19.01.1901 to Eastern Massachusetts, 3662
6 Jones 2-axle motor car 1895 24.04.1900 to Globe St. Ry.; 19.01.1901 to Eastern Massachusetts, 3646
7 Jones 2-axle motor car 1896 24.04.1900 to Globe St. Ry., 116; 19.01.1901 to Eastern Massachusetts, 3663
8 Jones 2-axle motor car 1896 24.04.1900 to Globe St. Ry., 117; 19.01.1901 to Eastern Massachusetts, 3664
9 Jones 2-axle motor car 1895 24.04.1900 to Globe St. Ry.; 19.01.1901 to Eastern Massachusetts, 3647
10 Jones 2-axle motor car 1896 24.04.1900 to Globe St. Ry., 118; 19.01.1901 to Eastern Massachusetts, 3665
11 Jones 2-axle motor car 1895 24.04.1900 to Globe St. Ry.; 19.01.1901 to Eastern Massachusetts, 3648
12 Jones 2-axle motor car 1895 24.04.1900 to Globe St. Ry.; 19.01.1901 to Eastern Massachusetts, 3649
13 Jones 2-axle motor car 1896 24.04.1900 to Globe St. Ry.; 19.01.1901 to Eastern Massachusetts, 3650
14 Jones 2-axle motor car 1896 24.04.1900 to Globe St. Ry.; 19.01.1901 to Eastern Massachusetts, 3651
15 Jones 2-axle motor car 1896 24.04.1900 to Globe St. Ry.; 19.01.1901 to Eastern Massachusetts, 3652
16 Jones 2-axle motor car 1896 24.04.1900 to Globe St. Ry.; 19.01.1901 to Eastern Massachusetts, 3653
17 Jones 2-axle motor car 1896 24.04.1900 to Globe St. Ry., 119; 19.01.1901 to Eastern Massachusetts, 3666
18 Jones 2-axle motor car 1896 24.04.1900 to Globe St. Ry.; 19.01.1901 to Eastern Massachusetts, 3654
19 Jones 2-axle motor car 1896 24.04.1900 to Globe St. Ry., 120; 19.01.1901 to Eastern Massachusetts, 3667
20 Jones 2-axle motor car 1896 24.04.1900 to Globe St. Ry.; 19.01.1901 to Eastern Massachusetts, 3655
40 Jones 2-axle motor car 1894 24.04.1900 to Globe St. Ry.; 19.01.1901 to Eastern Massachusetts, 2613
41 Jones 2-axle motor car 1894 24.04.1900 to Globe St. Ry.; 19.01.1901 to Eastern Massachusetts, 2614
42 Jones 2-axle motor car 1894 24.04.1900 to Globe St. Ry.; 19.01.1901 to Eastern Massachusetts, 2615
43 Jones 2-axle motor car 1894 24.04.1900 to Globe St. Ry.; 19.01.1901 to Eastern Massachusetts, 2616
44 Jones 2-axle motor car 1894 24.04.1900 to Globe St. Ry.; 19.01.1901 to Eastern Massachusetts, 2617
45 Jones 2-axle motor car 1894 24.04.1900 to Globe St. Ry.; 19.01.1901 to Eastern Massachusetts, 2618
46 Jones 2-axle motor car 1894 24.04.1900 to Globe St. Ry.; 19.01.1901 to Eastern Massachusetts, 2619
47 Jones 2-axle motor car 1894 24.04.1900 to Globe St. Ry.; 19.01.1901 to Eastern Massachusetts, 2620
48 Jones 2-axle motor car 1894 24.04.1900 to Globe St. Ry.; 19.01.1901 to Eastern Massachusetts, 2621
49 Jones 2-axle motor car 1894 24.04.1900 to Globe St. Ry.; 19.01.1901 to Eastern Massachusetts, 2622

Pokazano zapisów: 30 z 30

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