TransPhotoPilsētas elektrotransports

Ritošā sastāva saraksts

Innsbruck, Innsbrucker Mittelgebirgsbahn


Iecelšana:  jebkura  ·  pasažierie  ·  dienestie  ·  muzejie

Modelis Raž. No... Līdz... Util. Piezīme
1 Steam engine 1900 1939 1958 -> Sylter Inselbahn
2 Steam engine 1901 1939
3 Steam engine 1900 1936 ≤ 1960 -> Ferrovia Trento-Male
101 Graz 2-axle trailer car 1900 1941 to IVB
102 Graz 2-axle trailer car 1900 1941 to IVB; 1981 to museum
103 Graz 2-axle trailer car 1900 1941 to IVB; 1981 to museum
104 Graz 2-axle trailer car 1900 1941 to IVB; 1986 to TMB
105 Graz 2-axle trailer car 1900 1941 to IVB; 1986 to TMB
106 Graz 2-axle trailer car 1900 1941 to IVB; 1981 to museum
107 Graz 2-axle trailer car 1900 1941 to IVB
108 Graz 2-axle trailer car 1900 1941 to IVB; 1996 to TMB
109 Graz 2-axle trailer car 1900 1941 to IVB; 1955 to 140
110 Graz 2-axle trailer car 1900 1941 to IVB; 1954 to 138; 1974 to Graz, 138; 2001 to 22; 2015 to Ferlach, 22
111 Graz 2-axle trailer car 1900 1941 to IVB; 1986 to TMB
112 Graz 2-axle trailer car 1900 1941 to IVB; 1981 to museum
113 2-axle trailer car 1900 1927 to 261; 1941 to IVB
114 2-axle trailer car 1904 1927 to 262; 1941 to IVB; 1988 to TMB
115 2-axle trailer car 1900 1927 to 211; 1941 to IVB
116 2-axle trailer car 1900 1927 to 212; 1941 to IVB
117 2-axle trailer car 1904 1927 to 263; 1941 to IVB; 1971 to Graz, 263; 1990 to Innsbruck, 263
211 2-axle trailer car 1900 1927 1927 ex 115. 1941 to IVB
212 2-axle trailer car 1900 1927 1927 ex 116. 1941 to IVB
261 2-axle trailer car 1900 1927 1927 ex 113. 1941 to IVB
262 2-axle trailer car 1904 1927 1927 ex 114. 1941 to IVB; 1988 to TMB
263 2-axle trailer car 1904 1927 1927 ex 117. 1941 to IVB; 1971 to Graz, 263; 1990 to Innsbruck, 263

Parādītie ieraksti: 25 no 25

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Viss vienā tabulā  ·  Norakstīti un nodoti atsevišķi  ·  Pirmkārt, tikai darbīgs
Abandoned up  ·  Abandoned down
Bez fotogrāfijās  ·  Rādīt fotoattēlus
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Rādīt sarakstā:  Rūpnīcas №  ·  VIN  ·  Šasijas №