TransphotoSähköinen kaupunkiliikenne


Colorado Springs, Colorado Springs & Interurban Railway Co.

1886 Colorado Springs and Manitou Street Railway Co. (in operation 1887) → 1890 Colorado Springs Rapid Transit Railway Co. → 1901–1932 Colorado Springs & Interurban Railway Co.

Käyttötarkoitus:  mikä tahansa  ·  matkustaja  ·  työ / rahti  ·  museo

# Malli Valmistettu Huom.
31 2-axle motor car 189X
100 Birney 1918
101 Birney 1918
102 Birney 1918
103 Birney 1918
104 Birney 1918
105 Birney 1918
106 Birney 1918
107 Birney 1918
108 Birney 1918
109 Birney 1918
110 Birney 1918
111 Birney 1919
112 Birney 1919 1932 to Pueblo, 112
113 Birney 1919 1932 to Pueblo, 113
114 Birney 1919 1932 to Pueblo, 114
115 Birney 1919 1932 to Pueblo, 115
116 Birney 1919
117 Birney 1919
118 Birney 1919 1932 to Pueblo, 118
119 Birney 1919 1932 to Pueblo, 119
120 Birney 1919 1932 to Pueblo, 120
121 Birney 1919 1932 to Pueblo, 121
122 Birney 1919 1932 to Pueblo, 122
123 Birney 1919 1932 to Pueblo, 123
124 Birney 1919 1932 to Pueblo, 124
125 Birney 1919
126 Birney 1919
127 Birney 1919 1932 to Pueblo, 127
128 Birney 1919 1932 to Pueblo, 128
129 Birney 1919 1932 to Pueblo, 129
130 Birney 1919
131 Birney 1919 1932 to Pueblo, 131
132 Birney 1919 1932 to Pueblo, 132
133 Birney 1919
134 Birney 1919

Näytetyt tietueet: 36 / 36


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