TransPhotoMiejski Transport Elektryczny

Lista pojazdów

San Francisco Bay Area, Oakland, Antioch & Eastern Railway

1911 Oakland, Antioch & Eastern Railway → 1920–1928 San Francisco-Sacramento Railroad. Merged with Sacramento Northern Railway in 1928

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Nr Model Wypr. Od... Notatka
1003 Holman interurban motor car 1912 1928 to Sacramento, 1003
1004 Holman interurban motor car 1912 1928 to Sacramento, 1004
1005 Holman interurban motor car 1912 1928 to Sacramento, 1005; 12.1941 to San Francisco Bay Area, 495; 1951 to Suisun City, 1005
1006 Holman interurban motor car 1912 1928 to Sacramento, 1006; 12.1941 to San Francisco Bay Area, 496
1007 Cincinnati interurban motor car 1913 1928 to Sacramento, 1007
1008 Cincinnati interurban motor car 1913 1928 to Sacramento, 1008
1009 Cincinnati interurban motor car 1913 1928 to Sacramento, 1009; 1941 to MW300; 1947 to Cincinnati interurban trailer car # MW80
1010 Cincinnati interurban motor car 1913 1928 to Sacramento, 1010; 12.1941 to San Francisco Bay Area, 497
1011 Wason interurban motor car 1913 1928 to Sacramento, 1011
1012 Wason interurban motor car 1913 1928 to Sacramento, 1012
1013 Wason interurban motor car 1913 1928 to Sacramento, 1013
1014 Wason interurban motor car 1913 1928 to Sacramento, 1014
1015 Cincinnati interurban motor car 1913 1928 to Sacramento, 1015; 12.1941 to San Francisco Bay Area, 498
1016 Cincinnati interurban motor car 1913 1928 to Sacramento, 1016
1017 Cincinnati interurban trailer car 1913 1915 to Cincinnati interurban motor car; 1928 to Sacramento, 1017
1017 Cincinnati interurban motor car 1913 1915 1915 ex Cincinnati interurban trailer car. 1928 to Sacramento, 1017
1018 Cincinnati interurban trailer car 1913 1928 to Sacramento, 1026
1019 Hall Scott interurban trailer car 1913 1915 to Hall Scott interurban motor car; 1928 to Sacramento, 1019; 1941 to MW301; 1947 to MW81; 1972 to Suisun City, 1019
1019 Hall Scott interurban motor car 1913 1915 1915 ex Hall Scott interurban trailer car. 1928 to Sacramento, 1019; 1941 to MW301; 1947 to MW81; 1972 to Suisun City, 1019
1020 Hall Scott interurban trailer car 1913 1915 to Hall Scott interurban motor car; 1928 to Sacramento, 1020; 1941 to MW302; 1955 to Hall Scott interurban trailer car; 1962 to Suisun City, 1020
1020 Hall Scott interurban motor car 1913 1915 1915 ex Hall Scott interurban trailer car. 1928 to Sacramento, 1020; 1941 to MW302; 1955 to Hall Scott interurban trailer car; 1962 to Suisun City, 1020
1021 Hall Scott interurban trailer car 1913 1928 to Sacramento, 1021
1022 Hall Scott interurban trailer car 1913 1928 to Sacramento, 1022
1023 Hall Scott interurban trailer car 1913 1928 to Sacramento, 1023
1024 Hall Scott interurban trailer car 1913 1928 to Sacramento, 1024
1025 Hall Scott interurban trailer car 1913 1928 to Sacramento, 1025
1026 Hall Scott interurban trailer car 1913 1915 to Hall Scott interurban motor car; 1928 to Sacramento, 1018; 12.1941 to San Francisco Bay Area, 499
1026 Hall Scott interurban motor car 1913 1915 1915 ex Hall Scott interurban trailer car. 1928 to Sacramento, 1018; 12.1941 to San Francisco Bay Area, 499

Pokazano zapisów: 28 z 28

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