TransphotoElektromos városi közlekedés


Grand Rapids, Grand Rapids, Holland & Chicago Railway Co.

1900 Grand Rapids, Holland & Lake Michigan Rapid Railway Co. → 1904–1926 Grand Rapids, Holland & Chicago Railway Co.

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típus Gy. kezdete vége Megjegyzés
20 Jewett interurban motor car 1913 1916 1916 to Michigan United, 112; 1924 to Grand Rapids, 20; 1927 to Union Traction of Indiana, 442; 1930 to Indiana Railroad, 442
20 Jewett interurban motor car 1913 1924 1927 1924 ex Michigan United, 112; 1916 ex Grand Rapids, 20. 1927 to Union Traction of Indiana, 442; 1930 to Indiana Railroad, 442
21 Jewett interurban motor car 1913 1916 1916 to Michigan United, 113; 1924 to Grand Rapids, 21; 1927 to Union Traction of Indiana, 444; 1930 to Indiana Railroad, 444
21 Jewett interurban motor car 1913 1924 1927 1924 ex Michigan United, 113; 1916 ex Grand Rapids, 21. 1927 to Union Traction of Indiana, 444; 1930 to Indiana Railroad, 444
22 Jewett interurban motor car 1913 1916 1916 to Michigan United, 114; 1924 to Grand Rapids, 22; 1927 to Union Traction of Indiana, 445; 1930 to Indiana Railroad, 445
22 Jewett interurban motor car 1913 1924 1927 1924 ex Michigan United, 114; 1916 ex Grand Rapids, 22. 1927 to Union Traction of Indiana, 445; 1930 to Indiana Railroad, 445
23 Jewett interurban motor car 1913 1916 1916 to Michigan United, 115; 1924 to Grand Rapids, 23; 1927 to Union Traction of Indiana, 443; 1930 to Indiana Railroad, 443; 1934 to 1150
23 Jewett interurban motor car 1913 1924 1927 1924 ex Michigan United, 115; 1916 ex Grand Rapids, 23. 1927 to Union Traction of Indiana, 443; 1930 to Indiana Railroad, 443; 1934 to 1150
129 Brill 4-axle motor car 1914 Freight car. ???? to 219; 1926 to Akron, 1074
219 Brill 4-axle motor car 1914 ???? Freight car. ???? ex 129. 1926 to Akron, 1074

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