TransPhotoPilsētas elektrotransports

Ritošā sastāva saraksts

Bridgeton, Cumberland Traction Co.

1892 Bridgeton & Millville Traction Co. → 1922–1931 Cumberland Traction Co.

Iecelšana:  jebkura  ·  pasažierie  ·  dienestie  ·  muzejie

Modelis Rūp.№ Raž. No... Līdz... Piezīme
1 Brill 2-axle motor car 1893
2 Brill 2-axle motor car 1893
3 Brill 4-axle motor car 1893
3 Brill 4-axle motor car 1923 1932 to New York, 36
4 Brill 4-axle motor car 1893
8 Brill 4-axle motor car 1914 1927 (?) to Scranton, 388
9 Brill 4-axle motor car 1915 1927 (?) to Scranton, 389
12 Jackson & Sharp 4-axle motor car 2130 1901 11.1901
13 Jackson & Sharp 4-axle motor car 2131 1901 11.1901
51 Birney 1923
52 Birney 1923
53 Birney 1923
54 Birney 1923
1000 Birney 1920 02.1923 ≈ 04.1923 02.1923 ex Philadelphia, 1000. 04.1923 (?) to Philadelphia, 1000; 12.1924 to West Chester, 33

Parādītie ieraksti: 14 no 14

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