TransPhotoPilsētas elektrotransports

Ritošā sastāva saraksts

Indiana Railroad, Indiana Railroad, Cincinnati 4-axle motor car


Iecelšana:  jebkura  ·  pasažierie  ·  dienestie  ·  muzejie

Raž. No... Līdz... Piezīme
130 1906 1930 ≈ 1932 Freight motor. 1930 ex Indianapolis, 130; 1907 ex I&NW, 5
207 1913 1930 1937 1930 ex Union Traction of Indiana, 207
208 1913 1930 1937 1930 ex Union Traction of Indiana, 208
209 1913 1930 1937 1930 ex Union Traction of Indiana, 209
210 1913 1930 1937 1930 ex Union Traction of Indiana, 210
211 1913 1930 1937 1930 ex Union Traction of Indiana, 211
212 1913 1930 1937 1930 ex Union Traction of Indiana, 212
701 1906 1930 Freight motor. 1930 ex Union Traction of Indiana, Cincinnati 4-axle trailer car # 605; 1916 ex Muncie, Cincinnati 4-axle motor car # 200
707 1907 1930 Freight motor. 1930 ex Indianapolis, 131; 1907 ex I&NW, 6
708 1907 1930 Freight motor. 1930 ex Indianapolis, 132; 1907 ex I&NW, 7
733 1909 ≈ 1936 1938 Freight motor. 1936 (?) ex 856; 10.1934 ex Fort Wayne, 856; 1929 (?) ex 56
734 1909 ≈ 1936 1939 Freight motor. 1936 (?) ex 857; 10.1934 ex Fort Wayne, 857; 1929 (?) ex 57
856 1909 10.1934 Freight motor. 10.1934 ex Fort Wayne, 856; 1929 (?) ex 56. 1936 (?) to 733
857 1909 10.1934 Freight motor. 10.1934 ex Fort Wayne, 857; 1929 (?) ex 57. 1936 (?) to 734

Parādītie ieraksti: 14 no 14

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