TransphotoTransports Électriques de Ville


Ostrava, Vítkovické závodní dráhy

1913-1953. Operator: Vítkovice steelworks

Service:  n'importe quel  ·  passager  ·  entretien / fret  ·  musée

N°. Modèle N°. série Construit Depuis... Remarques
1 Vítkovice 2-axle motor car 1103 1934 1957 to Mor. Ostrava, 83
2 Vítkovice 2-axle motor car 1104 1934 1957 to Mor. Ostrava, 84
3 Vítkovice 2-axle motor car 1105 1934 1957 to Mor. Ostrava, 85; 1976 to Brno, 3
4 Vítkovice 2-axle motor car 1106 1934 1957 to Mor. Ostrava, 86
5 Vítkovice 2-axle motor car 1107 1934 1957 to Mor. Ostrava, 87
6 Vítkovice 2-axle motor car 1940 1957 to Mor. Ostrava, 88
7 Vítkovice 2-axle motor car 1940 1957 to Mor. Ostrava, 89
8 Vítkovice 2-axle motor car 1941 1957 to Mor. Ostrava, 90
9 Vítkovice 2-axle motor car 1941 1957 to Mor. Ostrava, 91
10 Vítkovice 2-axle motor car 1941 1957 to Mor. Ostrava, 92
11 Vítkovice 2-axle motor car 1496 1949 1957 to Mor. Ostrava, 93
12 Vítkovice 2-axle motor car 1479 1949 11.1951 1957 to Mor. Ostrava, 94; 1975 to work service; 1988 to 8094; 1989 to ÚD Martinov, 94
13 Vítkovice 2-axle motor car 1952 1957 to Mor. Ostrava, 95
14 Vítkovice 2-axle motor car 1952 1957 to Mor. Ostrava, 96
15 Vítkovice 2-axle motor car 1953 1957 to Mor. Ostrava, 97
16 Vítkovice 2-axle motor car 1953 1957 to Mor. Ostrava, 98
101 Studénka 2-axle trailer car 1921 1957 to Mor. Ostrava, 251
102 Studénka 2-axle trailer car 1921 1957 to Mor. Ostrava, 252
103 Studénka 2-axle trailer car 1921 1957 to Mor. Ostrava, 253
104 Vítkovice 2-axle trailer car 1100 1931 1957 to Mor. Ostrava, 254; 1976 to Brno, 104
105 Vítkovice 2-axle motor car 1101 1931 1957 to Mor. Ostrava, 255
106 Vítkovice 2-axle trailer car 1102 1931 1957 to Mor. Ostrava, 256
107 Vítkovice 2-axle trailer car 1940 1957 to Mor. Ostrava, 257
108 Vítkovice 2-axle trailer car 1940 1957 to Mor. Ostrava, 258
109 Vítkovice 2-axle trailer car 1940 1957 to Mor. Ostrava, 259
110 Vítkovice 2-axle trailer car 1941 1957 to Mor. Ostrava, 260
111 Vítkovice 2-axle trailer car 1941 1957 to Mor. Ostrava, 261
112 Vítkovice 2-axle trailer car 1947 1957 to Mor. Ostrava, 262
113 Vítkovice 2-axle trailer car 1947 1957 to Mor. Ostrava, 263
114 Vítkovice 2-axle trailer car 1947 1957 to Mor. Ostrava, 264
115 Vítkovice 2-axle trailer car 1949 1957 to Mor. Ostrava, 265
116 Vítkovice 2-axle trailer car 1949 1957 to Mor. Ostrava, 266
117 Vítkovice 2-axle trailer car 1949 1957 to Mor. Ostrava, 267
118 Vítkovice 2-axle trailer car 1953 1957 to Mor. Ostrava, 268
119 Vítkovice 2-axle trailer car 1551 1953 1957 to Mor. Ostrava, 269; 1976 to Brno, 269; 1988 to Ostrava, 269

Enregistrements affichés : 35 à partir de 35

Code de couleurs

En opération
Pas encore autorisé pour le service
Hors service
Abandonné / Stockage mort
L'emplacement et le statut sont inconnus
Modernisé (modèle changé)
Renuméroté ou transféré dans la ville
Transféré à une autre ville
Changement de plaques d'immatriculation (dans la même entreprise)


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