TransphotoElektrischer Nahverkehr


Beacon, Fishkill Electric Railway Co.

Verwendungszweck:  beliebig  ·  Linienfahrzeuge  ·  Arbeitswagen  ·  Museumsfahrzeuge

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Nr. Typ Bj. von... Bemerkung
30 Birney 1920 31.03.1923 1923 ex Orange County Traction (Newburgh, NY). 1930 to New York, 1657
31 Birney 1920 31.03.1923 1923 ex Orange County Traction (Newburgh, NН). 1930 to New York, 1658
32 Birney 1920 31.03.1923 1923 ex Orange County Traction (Newburgh, NY). 1930 to Springfield, MO, 220
33 Birney 1919 31.03.1923 1923 ex Orange County Traction (Newburgh, NY). 1930 to New York, 1659
34 Birney 1919 31.03.1923 1923 ex Orange County Traction (Newburgh, NY). 1930 to New York, 1660
35 Birney 1919 31.03.1923 1923 ex Orange County Traction (Newburgh, NY). 1930 to New York, 1661
36 Birney 1919 31.03.1923 1923 ex Orange County Traction (Newburgh, NY), 1930 to Anniston (Alabama)
37 Birney 1919 31.03.1923 1923 ex Orange County Traction (Newburgh, NY). 1930 to Springfield, MO, 221
38 Birney 1920 1927 1927 ex N. Y. C. Department of Plants & Structures, Williamsburg Bridge Division. 1930 to Springfield, MO, 222
39 Birney 1920 1927 1927 ex N. Y. C. Department of Plants & Structures, Williamsburg Bridge Division. 1930 to New York, 1662
40 Birney 1921 1927 1927 ex N. Y. C. Department of Plants & Structures, Williamsburg Bridge Division. 1930 to New York, 1663
41 Birney 1921 1927 1927 ex N. Y. C. Department of Plants & Structures, Williamsburg Bridge Division. 1930 to Springfield, MO, 223
42 Birney 1921 1927 1927 ex N. Y. C. Department of Plants & Structures, Williamsburg Bridge Division, 1930 to Anniston (Alabama)
43 Birney 1921 1927 1927 ex N. Y. C. Department of Plants & Structures, Williamsburg Bridge Division. 1928 to Allentown, 43; 1933 to 3
44 Birney 1921 1927 1927 ex N. Y. C. Department of Plants & Structures, Williamsburg Bridge Division. 1928 to Allentown, 44; 1933 to 4
45 Birney 1921 1927 1927 ex N. Y. C. Department of Plants & Structures, Williamsburg Bridge Division. 1928 to Allentown, 45; 1933 to 5
46 Birney 1921 1927 1927 ex N. Y. C. Department of Plants & Structures, Williamsburg Bridge Division. 1928 to Allentown, 46; 1933 to 6
47 Birney 1921 1927 1927 ex N. Y. C. Department of Plants & Structures, Williamsburg Bridge Division, 1930 to Anniston (Alabama)

Datensätze angezeigt: 18 aus 18


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