TransphotoElektrischer Nahverkehr


Luxembourg, Tramways de la Ville de Luxembourg

Verwendungszweck:  beliebig  ·  Linienfahrzeuge  ·  Arbeitswagen  ·  Museumsfahrzeuge

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Nr. Typ Fab.-Nr. Bj. von... bis... Verschr. Bemerkung
1 Uerdingen 2-axle motor car 1908 1908 1960
2 Uerdingen 2-axle motor car 1908 1908 1960
3 Uerdingen 2-axle motor car 1908 1908 1960
4 Uerdingen 2-axle motor car 1908 1908 1960
5 Uerdingen 2-axle motor car 1908 1908 1960
6 Uerdingen 2-axle motor car 1908 1908 1960
7 Uerdingen 2-axle motor car 1909 1909 1960
8 Uerdingen 2-axle motor car 1909 1909 1960
9 Uerdingen 2-axle motor car 1909 1909 1960
10 Uerdingen 2-axle motor car 1909 1909 1935 1935 to TVL 2-axle motor car
10 TVL 2-axle motor car 1935 1935 1960 Working carriage. 1935 ex Uerdingen 2-axle motor car
11 TVL 2-axle motor car 1913 1913 1964 1913 ex Wismar 2-axle trailer car # 105. 1964 to Museum
12 TVL 2-axle motor car 1913 1913 1964 1913 ex Wismar 2-axle trailer car # 106. 1964 to Museum, TVL 2-axle trailer car # 112
13 Wismar 2-axle motor car 1913 1913 1960
14 TVL 2-axle motor car 1921 1921 1960 1921 ex Wismar 2-axle trailer car # 107
15 Uerdingen 2-axle motor car 1904 1921 1931 1931 to Two-axle motor car TVL
15 TVL 2-axle motor car 1904 1931 1960 1931 ex Uerdingen 2-axle motor car
16 Uerdingen 2-axle motor car 1904 1921 1931 1931 to Two-axle motor car TVL
16 TVL 2-axle motor car 1904 1931 1960 1931 ex Uerdingen 2-axle motor car
17 Uerdingen 2-axle motor car 1904 1921 1931 1931 to Two-axle motor car TVL
17 TVL 2-axle motor car 1904 1931 1960 1931 ex Uerdingen 2-axle motor car
18 Uerdingen 2-axle motor car 1904 1921 1931 1931 to Two-axle motor car TVL
18 TVL 2-axle motor car 1904 1931 1960 1931 ex Uerdingen 2-axle motor car
19 Godarville 2-axle motor car 1923 1923 1953
20 Godarville 2-axle motor car 1923 1923 1953
21 Godarville 2-axle motor car 1923 1923 1953
22 Nivelles 2-axle motor car 1924 1924 1940
23 Nivelles 2-axle motor car 1924 1924 1940
24 Nivelles 2-axle motor car 1924 1924 1940
25 Nivelles 2-axle motor car 1924 1924 1934 1934 to TVL 2-axle motor car; 1939 to 36
25 TVL 2-axle motor car 1934 1934 1939 1934 ex Nivelles 2-axle motor car. 1939 to 36
26 Nivelles 2-axle motor car 1926 1926 1938 1938 to Three-axle motor car TVL; 1991 to Museum
26 TVL 3-axle motor car 1938 1938 1964 1938 ex Nivelles 2-axle motor car. 1991 to Museum
29 Nivelles 2-axle motor car 1926 1926 1964
32 Uerdingen 2-axle motor car 1931 1964
34 Uerdingen 2-axle motor car 37842 1931 1931 1964 1964 to Museum
36 TVL 2-axle motor car 1934 1939 1939 ex 25; 1934 ex Nivelles 2-axle motor car
101 Busch 2-axle trailer car 1908 1908 1932 1932 to Two-axle trailer car TVL
101 TVL 2-axle trailer car 1932 1932 1964 1932 ex Busch 2-axle trailer car
102 Busch 2-axle trailer car 1908 1908 1932 1932 to Two-axle trailer car TVL
102 TVL 2-axle trailer car 1932 1932 1964 1932 ex Busch 2-axle trailer car
103 Busch 2-axle trailer car 1908 1908 1934 1934 to Two-axle trailer car TVL; 1964 to Horse car # 7
103 TVL 2-axle trailer car 1908 1934 1964 1934 ex Busch 2-axle trailer car. 1964 to Horse car # 7
104 Busch 2-axle trailer car 1908 1908 1934 1934 to Two-axle trailer car TVL
104 TVL 2-axle trailer car 1908 1934 1961 1934 ex Busch 2-axle trailer car
105 Wismar 2-axle trailer car 1910 1910 1913 1913 to Two-axle motor car TVL # 11; 1964 to Museum
106 Wismar 2-axle trailer car 1910 1910 1913 1913 to TVL 2-axle motor car # 12; 1964 to Museum, TVL 2-axle trailer car # 112
107 Wismar 2-axle trailer car 1913 1913 1921 1921 to Two-axle motor car TVL # 14
112 Nivelles 2-axle trailer car 1926 1926 1943 1943 to Aachen, 802
113 Nivelles 2-axle trailer car 1926 1926 1943 1943 to Aachen, 801
114 Nivelles 2-axle trailer car 1926 1926 1943 1943 to Aachen, 800
121 TVL 3-axle trailer car 1937 05.01.1938 1964 1991 to Museum

Datensätze angezeigt: 52 aus 52


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