TransphotoElektrischer Nahverkehr


Pittsfield, Berkshire Street Railway


Verwendungszweck:  beliebig  ·  Linienfahrzeuge  ·  Arbeitswagen  ·  Museumsfahrzeuge

Sortieren nach:  Wagennummer  ·  Wagennummer  ·  Kennzeichen  ·  Fabrik-Nr. und Kennzeichen  ·  Anlieferung  ·  Ausmusterung  ·  Baujahr  ·  Verschrottung  ·  + Bemerkung

Nr. Typ Bj. von... bis... Verschr. Bemerkung
107 Brill 2-axle motor car 1896 1910 1910 ex 13
109 Brill 2-axle motor car 1896 1910 1910 ex 14
111 Brill 2-axle motor car 1896 1910 1910 ex 15
113 Brill 2-axle motor car 1896 1910 1910 ex 16
142 Jones 4-axle motor car 1910 1928
144 Jones 4-axle motor car 1910 1928
200 Birney 1919 1933
201 Birney 1919 1933
202 Birney 1919 1933
203 Birney 1919 1933
204 Birney 1919 1933
217 Birney 1920 1933
218 Birney 1920 1933
219 Birney 1920 1933
220 Birney 1920 1933
221 Birney 1920 1933
222 Birney 1920 1933
223 Birney 1920 1933
224 Birney 1920 1933
225 Birney 1920 1933
226 Birney 1920 1933
227 Birney 1920 1933
228 Birney 1920 1933
300 Osgood Bradley 4-axle motor car 1926 11.1926 1932 1932 to Connecticut Co., 3200–3211
301 Osgood Bradley 4-axle motor car 1926 11.1926 1932 1932 to Connecticut Co., 3200–3211
302 Osgood Bradley 4-axle motor car 1926 11.1926 1932 1932 to Connecticut Co., 3200–3211
303 Osgood Bradley 4-axle motor car 1926 11.1926 1932 1932 to Connecticut Co., 3200–3211
304 Osgood Bradley 4-axle motor car 1926 11.1926 1932 1932 to Connecticut Co., 3200–3211
305 Osgood Bradley 4-axle motor car 1926 11.1926 1932 1932 to Connecticut Co., 3200–3211
306 Osgood Bradley 4-axle motor car 1926 11.1926 1932 1932 to Connecticut Co., 3200–3211
307 Osgood Bradley 4-axle motor car 1926 11.1926 1932 1932 to Connecticut Co., 3200–3211
308 Osgood Bradley 4-axle motor car 1926 11.1926 1932 1932 to Connecticut Co., 3200–3211
309 Osgood Bradley 4-axle motor car 1926 11.1926 1932 1932 to Connecticut Co., 3200–3211
310 Osgood Bradley 4-axle motor car 1926 11.1926 1932 1932 to Connecticut Co., 3200–3211
311 Osgood Bradley 4-axle motor car 1926 11.1926 1932 1932 to Connecticut Co., 3200–3211
Berkshire Hills Wason 4-axle motor car 1902 Parlor car. 1995 to Kennebunkport, Berkshire Hills

Datensätze angezeigt: 36 aus 36


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