TransPhotoLinnade elektritransport

Veeremi nimekiri

Kiiev, 81-714 (MMZ)

Otstarve:  kõik sõidukid  ·  liinisõidukid  ·  tehnilised sõidukid  ·  muuseumsõidukid

Valminud Alates Depoo/park Märkus
9829 1984 1988 Obolon (2) 12: 0006-9829-9830-9831-0005. 1988 ex Darnytsia (1)
9830 1984 1988 Obolon (2) 12: 0006-9829-9830-9831-0005. 1988 ex Darnytsia (1)
9831 1984 1988 Obolon (2) 12: 0006-9829-9830-9831-0005. 1988 ex Darnytsia (1)
9600 1982 1988 Obolon (2) 13: 9236-9601-9600-9602-9237. 1988 ex Darnytsia (1)
9601 1982 1988 Obolon (2) 13: 9236-9601-9600-9602-9237. 1988 ex Darnytsia (1)
9602 1982 1988 Obolon (2) 13: 9236-9601-9600-9602-9237. 1988 ex Darnytsia (1)
0402 1987 1988 Obolon (2) 21: 0096-0402-0403-0404-0097. 1988 ex Darnytsia (1)
0403 1987 1988 Obolon (2) 21: 0096-0402-0403-0404-0097. 1988 ex Darnytsia (1)
0404 1987 1988 Obolon (2) 21: 0096-0402-0403-0404-0097. 1988 ex Darnytsia (1)
9611 02.1982 11.1989 Obolon (2) 22: 9250-9611-9626-9612-8609. 10.1989 ex Moscow
9612 02.1982 11.1989 Obolon (2) 22: 9250-9611-9626-9612-8609. 10.1989 ex Moscow
9626 04.1982 11.1989 Obolon (2) 22: 9250-9611-9626-9612-8609. 10.1989 ex Moscow
9641 1982 1988 Obolon (2) 23: 9258-9641-9642-9644-9259. 1988 ex Darnytsia (1)
9642 1982 1988 Obolon (2) 23: 9258-9641-9642-9644-9259. 1988 ex Darnytsia (1)
9644 1982 1988 Obolon (2) 23: 9258-9641-9642-9644-9259. 1988 ex Darnytsia (1)
9599 1982 1988 Obolon (2) 32: 9238-7421-9599-7422-9252. 1988 ex Darnytsia (1)
0401 1987 1988 Obolon (2) 34: 0095-9994-9995-0401-0094. 1988 ex Darnytsia (1)
9994 1986 1988 Obolon (2) 34: 0095-9994-9995-0401-0094. 1988 ex Darnytsia (1)
9995 1986 1988 Obolon (2) 34: 0095-9994-9995-0401-0094. 1988 ex Darnytsia (1)
9604 02.1982 11.1989 Obolon (2) 42: 9246-9604-9609-9606-9245. 10.1989 ex Moscow
9606 02.1982 11.1989 Obolon (2) 42: 9246-9604-9609-9606-9245. 10.1989 ex Moscow
9609 02.1982 11.1989 Obolon (2) 42: 9246-9604-9609-9606-9245. 10.1989 ex Moscow
9651 1982 1988 Obolon (2) 51: 9262-9651-9652-9653-9263. 1988 ex Darnytsia (1)
9652 1982 1988 Obolon (2) 51: 9262-9651-9652-9653-9263. 1988 ex Darnytsia (1)
9653 1982 1988 Obolon (2) 51: 9262-9651-9652-9653-9263. 1988 ex Darnytsia (1)
9546 01.1981 11.1989 Obolon (2) 55: 8600-7715-7714-9546-8601. 10.1989 ex Moscow
9655 1982 1988 Obolon (2) 73: 9264-7729-7730-9655-9265. 1988 ex Darnytsia (1)
9645 1982 1988 Obolon (2) 74: 9260-9645-9647-9646-9261. 1988 ex Darnytsia (1)
9646 1982 1988 Obolon (2) 74: 9260-9645-9647-9646-9261. 1988 ex Darnytsia (1)
9647 1982 1988 Obolon (2) 74: 9260-9645-9647-9646-9261. 1988 ex Darnytsia (1)
9637 1982 1988 Obolon (2) 83: 9257-9638-9637-9639-9256. 1988 ex Darnytsia (1)
9638 1982 1988 Obolon (2) 83: 9257-9638-9637-9639-9256. 1988 ex Darnytsia (1)
9639 1982 1988 Obolon (2) 83: 9257-9638-9637-9639-9256. 1988 ex Darnytsia (1)
9634 1982 1988 Obolon (2) 84: 9254-9634-9635-9636-9255. 1988 ex Darnytsia (1)
9635 1982 1988 Obolon (2) 84: 9254-9634-9635-9636-9255. 1988 ex Darnytsia (1)
9636 1982 1988 Obolon (2) 84: 9254-9634-9635-9636-9255. 1988 ex Darnytsia (1)
0405 1987 1988 Obolon (2) 93: 0099-0407-0405-0406-0098. 1988 ex Darnytsia (1)
0406 1987 1988 Obolon (2) 93: 0099-0407-0405-0406-0098. 1988 ex Darnytsia (1)
0407 1987 1988 Obolon (2) 93: 0099-0407-0405-0406-0098. 1988 ex Darnytsia (1)
9492 01.1980 11.1989 Obolon (2) Резервный. 10.1989 ex Moscow; 03.1984 ex Krasnaya Presnya Yrd

Sissekandeid näidatud: 40

Mahakantud, üleantud ja moderniseeritud veerem

Valminud Alates Kuni Depoo/park Märkus
0401 1987 1988 Darnytsia (1) 1988 to Obolon (2)
0402 1987 1988 Darnytsia (1) 1988 to Obolon (2)
0403 1987 1988 Darnytsia (1) 1988 to Obolon (2)
0404 1987 1988 Darnytsia (1) 1988 to Obolon (2)
0405 1987 1988 Darnytsia (1) 1988 to Obolon (2)
0406 1987 1988 Darnytsia (1) 1988 to Obolon (2)
0407 1987 1988 Darnytsia (1) 1988 to Obolon (2)
9599 1982 1988 Darnytsia (1) 1988 to Obolon (2)
9600 1982 1988 Darnytsia (1) 1988 to Obolon (2)
9601 1982 1988 Darnytsia (1) 1988 to Obolon (2)
9602 1982 1988 Darnytsia (1) 1988 to Obolon (2)
9634 1982 1988 Darnytsia (1) 1988 to Obolon (2)
9635 1982 1988 Darnytsia (1) 1988 to Obolon (2)
9636 1982 1988 Darnytsia (1) 1988 to Obolon (2)
9637 1982 1988 Darnytsia (1) 1988 to Obolon (2)
9638 1982 1988 Darnytsia (1) 1988 to Obolon (2)
9639 1982 1988 Darnytsia (1) 1988 to Obolon (2)
9640 06.1982 07.1982 10.1982 Darnytsia (1) 10.1982 to Moscow; 01.1983 to Sokol Yard; 11.1983 to Varshavskoye Yard
9641 1982 1988 Darnytsia (1) 1988 to Obolon (2)
9642 1982 1988 Darnytsia (1) 1988 to Obolon (2)
9643 06.1982 07.1982 10.1982 Darnytsia (1) 28.10.1982 to Moscow; 11.1983 to Varshavskoye Yard; 03.1991 to Vladykino Yard; 09.2013 to Varshavskoye Yard
9644 1982 1988 Darnytsia (1) 1988 to Obolon (2)
9645 1982 1988 Darnytsia (1) 1988 to Obolon (2)
9646 1982 1988 Darnytsia (1) 1988 to Obolon (2)
9647 1982 1988 Darnytsia (1) 1988 to Obolon (2)
9648 08.1982 08.1982 10.1982 Darnytsia (1) 10.1982 to Moscow; 11.1983 to Varshavskoye Yard
9649 08.1982 08.1982 10.1982 Darnytsia (1) 10.1982 to Moscow; 11.1983 to Varshavskoye Yard
9650 08.1982 08.1982 10.1982 Darnytsia (1) 10.1982 to Moscow; 11.1983 to Varshavskoye Yard
9651 1982 1988 Darnytsia (1) 1988 to Obolon (2)
9652 1982 1988 Darnytsia (1) 1988 to Obolon (2)
9653 1982 1988 Darnytsia (1) 1988 to Obolon (2)
9655 1982 1988 Darnytsia (1) 1988 to Obolon (2)
9829 1984 1988 Darnytsia (1) 1988 to Obolon (2)
9830 1984 1988 Darnytsia (1) 1988 to Obolon (2)
9831 1984 1988 Darnytsia (1) 1988 to Obolon (2)
9994 1986 1988 Darnytsia (1) 1988 to Obolon (2)
9995 1986 1988 Darnytsia (1) 1988 to Obolon (2)

Sissekandeid näidatud: 37

Värvide selgitused

Ei ole reisijaid vedanud
Ei tööta
Kasutuselt kõrvaldatud / mahakandmise ootel
Maha kantud
Asukoht ja saatus teadmata
Moderniseeritud (mudeli vahetus)
Ümberregistreeritud/edasi antud linna siseselt
Edasi antud/müüdud teise linna
Riigi numbri muutmine (ettevõtte sees)


Kõik ühes tabelis  ·  Mahakantud ja üleantud eraldi  ·  Esialgu ainult toimivad
Kõrvaldatud üleval  ·  Kõrvaldatud all
Ilma fotota  ·  Koos fotodega
Üleandmised täismahus  ·  Üleandmised lühidalt
Arvestada allmudelid  ·  Ilma allmudelideta
Näidata šassii mudel  ·  Peita šassii mudel

Näidata nimekirjas:  Tehase number  ·  VIN  ·  Šassii number