TransPhotoPilsētas elektrotransports

Ritošā sastāva saraksts

Stuttgart, Van der Zypen 4-axle trailer car

Iecelšana:  jebkura  ·  pasažierie  ·  dienestie  ·  muzejie

Raž. No... Util. Depo/Parks Piezīme
49 1904 1926 FBG 1926 ex Krefeld, Van der Zypen 4-axle motor car # 408; 1920 ex 109. 1928 to F 99; 1929 to F 199; 1934 to 199
50 1902 1926 FBG 1926 ex Krefeld, Van der Zypen 4-axle motor car # 406; 1920 ex 107. 1928 to F 100; 1929 to F 200; 1934 to 200
199 1904 1934 1964 SSB 1934 ex F 199; 1929 ex F 99; 1928 ex 49; 1926 ex Krefeld, Van der Zypen 4-axle motor car # 408; 1920 ex 109
200 1902 1934 1964 SSB 1934 ex F 200; 1929 ex F 100; 1928 ex 50; 1926 ex Krefeld, Van der Zypen 4-axle motor car # 406; 1920 ex 107
F 99 1904 1928 FBG 1928 ex 49; 1926 ex Krefeld, Van der Zypen 4-axle motor car # 408; 1920 ex 109. 1929 to F 199; 1934 to 199
F 100 1902 1928 FBG 1928 ex 50; 1926 ex Krefeld, Van der Zypen 4-axle motor car # 406; 1920 ex 107. 1929 to F 200; 1934 to 200
F 199 1904 1929 FBG 1929 ex F 99; 1928 ex 49; 1926 ex Krefeld, Van der Zypen 4-axle motor car # 408; 1920 ex 109. 1934 to 199
F 200 1902 1929 FBG 1929 ex F 100; 1928 ex 50; 1926 ex Krefeld, Van der Zypen 4-axle motor car # 406; 1920 ex 107. 1934 to 200

Parādītie ieraksti: 8 no 8

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