TransphotoTransports Électriques de Ville


Dresde, Herbrand 2-axle trailer car

Service:  n'importe quel  ·  passager  ·  entretien / fret  ·  musée

N°. Construit Depuis... Jusqu'à... Fer. Opérateur/Dépôt Remarques
11 1880 1900 1906 gelbe 1900 ex Herbrand horse car. 1906 to DVB, 111; 1926 to 3052; 1947 to 3436
13 1880 1900 1906 gelbe 1900 ex Herbrand horse car. 1906 to DVB, 88; 1911 to 409; 1923 to 3084
14 1880 1900 1906 gelbe 1900 ex Herbrand horse car. 1906 to DVB, 89; 1911 to 410
15 1880 1900 1906 gelbe 1900 ex Herbrand horse car. 1906 to DVB, 90; 1926 to 3078
16 1880 1900 1906 gelbe 1900 ex Herbrand horse car. 1906 to DVB, 91; 1911 to 411
17 1880 1900 1906 gelbe 1900 ex Herbrand horse car. 1906 to DVB, 92
18 1880 1900 1906 gelbe 1900 ex Herbrand horse car. 1906 to DVB, 93
19 1880 1900 1906 gelbe 1900 ex Herbrand horse car. 1906 to DVB, 94
20 1880 1900 1906 gelbe 1900 ex Herbrand horse car. 1906 to DVB, 95; 1911 to 412; 1926 to 3051; 1947 to 3435
23 1880 1900 1906 gelbe 1900 ex Herbrand horse car. 1906 to DVB, 96
24 1880 1900 1906 gelbe 1900 ex Herbrand horse car. 1906 to DVB, 97
25 1880 1900 1906 gelbe 1900 ex Herbrand horse car. 1906 to DVB, 98
26 1880 1900 1906 gelbe 1900 ex Herbrand horse car. 1906 to DVB, 99
28 1880 1900 1906 gelbe 1900 ex Herbrand horse car. 1906 to DVB, 100; 1911 to 413
29 1880 1900 1906 gelbe 1900 ex Herbrand horse car. 1906 to DVB, 101
30 1880 1900 1906 gelbe 1900 ex Herbrand horse car. 1906 to DVB, 102; 1923 to 3085
40 1882 1904 1906 gelbe 1904 ex Herbrand horse car. 1906 to DVB, 127
41 1882 1904 1906 gelbe 1904 ex Herbrand horse car. 1906 to DVB, 128
42 1882 1904 1906 gelbe 1904 ex Herbrand horse car. 1906 to DVB, 129; 1911 to 416
43 1882 1904 1906 gelbe 1904 ex Herbrand horse car. 1906 to DVB, 130
44 1880 1904 1906 gelbe 1904 ex Herbrand horse car. 1906 to DVB, 131
45 1880 1904 1906 gelbe 1904 ex Herbrand horse car. 1906 to DVB, 132; 1927 to 3027; 1947 to 3185; 1971 to 721 085
88 1880 1906 1911 DVB 1906 ex gelbe, 13; 1900 ex Herbrand horse car. 1911 to 409; 1923 to 3084
89 1880 1906 1911 DVB 1906 ex gelbe, 14; 1900 ex Herbrand horse car. 1911 to 410
90 1880 1906 1926 DVB 1906 ex gelbe, 15; 1900 ex Herbrand horse car. 1926 to 3078
91 1880 1906 1911 DVB 1906 ex gelbe, 16; 1900 ex Herbrand horse car. 1911 to 411
92 1880 1906 1925 08.1925 DVB 1906 ex gelbe, 17; 1900 ex Herbrand horse car
93 1880 1906 1925 08.1925 DVB 1906 ex gelbe, 18; 1900 ex Herbrand horse car
94 1880 1906 1925 08.1925 DVB 1906 ex gelbe, 19; 1900 ex Herbrand horse car
95 1882 1904 1906 gelbe 1904 ex Herbrand horse car
95 1880 1906 1911 DVB 1906 ex gelbe, 20; 1900 ex Herbrand horse car. 1911 to 412; 1926 to 3051; 1947 to 3435
96 1880 1906 1906 1906 DVB 1906 ex gelbe, 23; 1900 ex Herbrand horse car
97 1880 1906 1925 08.1925 DVB 1906 ex gelbe, 24; 1900 ex Herbrand horse car
98 1880 1906 1918 05.1918 DVB 1906 ex gelbe, 25; 1900 ex Herbrand horse car
99 1880 1906 1925 08.1925 DVB 1906 ex gelbe, 26; 1900 ex Herbrand horse car
100 1880 1906 1911 DVB 1906 ex gelbe, 28; 1900 ex Herbrand horse car. 1911 to 413
101 1880 1906 1925 04.1925 DVB 1906 ex gelbe, 29; 1900 ex Herbrand horse car
102 1880 1906 1923 DVB 1906 ex gelbe, 30; 1900 ex Herbrand horse car. 1923 to 3085
111 1880 1906 1926 DVB 1906 ex gelbe, 11; 1900 ex Herbrand horse car. 1926 to 3052; 1947 to 3436
121 1882 1904 1906 gelbe 1904 ex Herbrand horse car. 1906 to DVB, 136
122 1882 1904 1906 gelbe 1904 ex Herbrand horse car. 1906 to DVB, 137
123 1882 1904 1906 gelbe 1904 ex Herbrand horse car. 1906 to DVB, 138; 1911 to 415
127 1882 1906 1916 04.1916 DVB 1906 ex gelbe, 40; 1904 ex Herbrand horse car
128 1882 1906 1917 05.1917 DVB 1906 ex gelbe, 41; 1904 ex Herbrand horse car
129 1882 1906 1911 DVB 1906 ex gelbe, 42; 1904 ex Herbrand horse car. 1911 to 416
130 1882 1906 1930 1930 DVB 1906 ex gelbe, 43; 1904 ex Herbrand horse car
131 1880 1906 1930 1930 DVB 1906 ex gelbe, 44; 1904 ex Herbrand horse car
132 1880 1906 1927 DVB 1906 ex gelbe, 45; 1904 ex Herbrand horse car. 1927 to 3027; 1947 to 3185; 1971 to 721 085
136 1882 1906 1919 1919 DVB 1906 ex gelbe, 121; 1904 ex Herbrand horse car
137 1882 1906 1918 07.1918 DVB 1906 ex gelbe, 122; 1904 ex Herbrand horse car
138 1882 1906 1911 DVB 1906 ex gelbe, 123; 1904 ex Herbrand horse car. 1911 to 415
409 1880 1911 1923 DVB 1911 ex 88; 1906 ex gelbe, 13; 1900 ex Herbrand horse car. 1923 to 3084
410 1880 1911 1927 1927 DVB 1911 ex 89; 1906 ex gelbe, 14; 1900 ex Herbrand horse car
411 1880 1911 1927 1927 DVB 1911 ex 91; 1906 ex gelbe, 16; 1900 ex Herbrand horse car
412 1880 1911 1926 DVB 1911 ex 95; 1906 ex gelbe, 20; 1900 ex Herbrand horse car. 1926 to 3051; 1947 to 3435
413 1880 1911 1926 1926 DVB 1911 ex 100; 1906 ex gelbe, 28; 1900 ex Herbrand horse car
415 1882 1911 1919 03.1919 DVB 1911 ex 138; 1906 ex gelbe, 123; 1904 ex Herbrand horse car
416 1882 1911 1919 07.1919 DVB 1911 ex 129; 1906 ex gelbe, 42; 1904 ex Herbrand horse car
721 085 1880 1971 ???? DVB 1971 ex 3185; 1947 ex 3027; 1927 ex 132; 1906 ex gelbe, 45; 1904 ex Herbrand horse car
3027 1880 1927 1947 DVB 1927 ex 132; 1906 ex gelbe, 45; 1904 ex Herbrand horse car. 1947 to 3185; 1971 to 721 085
3051 1880 1926 1947 DVB 1926 ex 412; 1911 ex 95; 1906 ex gelbe, 20; 1900 ex Herbrand horse car. 1947 to 3435
3052 1880 1926 1947 DVB 1926 ex 111; 1906 ex gelbe, 11; 1900 ex Herbrand horse car. 1947 to 3436
3078 1880 1926 1929 1929 DVB 1926 ex 90; 1906 ex gelbe, 15; 1900 ex Herbrand horse car
3084 1880 1923 1929 1929 DVB 1923 ex 409; 1911 ex 88; 1906 ex gelbe, 13; 1900 ex Herbrand horse car
3085 1880 1923 1929 1929 DVB 1923 ex 102; 1906 ex gelbe, 30; 1900 ex Herbrand horse car
3185 1880 1947 1971 DVB 1947 ex 3027; 1927 ex 132; 1906 ex gelbe, 45; 1904 ex Herbrand horse car. 1971 to 721 085
3435 1880 1947 1950 10.1950 DVB 1947 ex 3051; 1926 ex 412; 1911 ex 95; 1906 ex gelbe, 20; 1900 ex Herbrand horse car
3436 1880 1947 1957 09.1957 DVB 1947 ex 3052; 1926 ex 111; 1906 ex gelbe, 11; 1900 ex Herbrand horse car

Enregistrements affichés : 68 à partir de 68

Code de couleurs

En opération
Pas encore autorisé pour le service
Hors service
Abandonné / Stockage mort
L'emplacement et le statut sont inconnus
Modernisé (modèle changé)
Renuméroté ou transféré dans la ville
Transféré à une autre ville
Changement de plaques d'immatriculation (dans la même entreprise)


Afficher tous les enregistrements dans un tableau  ·  Afficher tous les véhicules retirés et transférés dans un tableau séparé  ·  Opérationnel en premier
Abandonné haut  ·  Abandonné bas
Tableau sans photos  ·  Montrer les photos
Histoire complète  ·  Histoire courte
Inclure les sous-modèles  ·  Modèle exacte
Montre le modèle de châssis  ·  Cache le modèle de châssis

Montre dans la liste:  N°. de série  ·  VIN  ·  N°. du châssis