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Komentarai: visi · tramvajus


15.06.1934 Closure of the tramway network.
24.03.1904 Opening of the tramway operation in Pula.
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coat of arms of Pula

Pula (Italian: Pola) is a city in the Istria district of Croatia, which today has a population of about 57.000 people. The city is situated at the southern tip of the Istria peninsula and is famous for its antique arena and its important sea port, also known as a beach resort. Pula has a railway station but is not connected to the Croatian railway network. The track only leads to Slovenia.

The city had an electric tramway system of 1435 Millimetres gauge in the early 20th century. It was opened in 1904 and connected the city centre with the port areas in the Western and the railway station at the Eastern part of the city. The depot was located at the Western end of the network. There were three tram lines operating on the network with 2-axle motor and trailer cars mostly built in the tram factory in Graz. After the beginning of the Fascist rule the tram system was not wanted and needed any more and was finally closed and dismantled in 1934 with replacement by busses.

Today there are still some hooks of the tram’s overhead wires on some building walls along the streets of Pula. At the former terminus at the railway station two original steel pillars remained until today, one of them is even restored. A bus of the local bus company Pulapromet has a full-advertising with old photos of tramcars, some posters with old photographs are also stored all over the city. A small flyer about the history of the tram is avavilable for free at the tourist information centre.

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