TransPhotoMiejski Transport Elektryczny
Wielka Brytania  


Конка 1883; паровик 1884-1897; трамвай 1897-1900

Redaktorzy: tram76, focus1965.

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The Tynemouth and District Tramways operated a 3 ft (914 mm) narrow gauge tramway service between North Shields and Tynemouth between 1883 and 1900.

— The company started services in 1883 with horse-drawn tramway services. The depot was in Suez Street, North Shields.
— The company was taken over by North Shields and District Tramways Company in 1884. This company introduced steam traction with five steam locomotives.
— This company was taken over by the North Shields and Tynemouth District Tramways in 1897.
— The company was taken over by British Electric Traction in 1897 and it was modernised and electrified and opened as the Tynemouth and District Electric Traction Company.


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