TransPhotoElektrinis miestų viešasis transportas
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Redaktoriai: tram76, focus1965.

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Komentarai: visi · tramvajus · keltuvas

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Tramvajų įmonės

Funikulierių įmonės


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A 2-section funicular using tram cars. A transfer between segments at the half-point station. The lower segment includes street running. Overhead wires used as a telegraph communication system only between 1902-2001. The overhead removed in 2001, communications replaced with an induction-loop system. Trolley poles on cars and a few overhead support poles retained for authenticity. Service maintained with the 4 original 1902 bogie passenger cars 4-7. 4-wheel freight cars 1-3 used in 1902-1911, scrapped. The system operates seasonally from late March to late October.

Aktyvūs miesto fotografai

1-a vieta: Ymtram — 34 foto
2-a vieta: Christian Maibaum — 9 foto
3-a vieta: Аксёнов Дмитрий — 4 foto

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