TransPhotoГородской электротранспорт

Willamette Shore Line

Портленд, OR

751 КБ

Портленд, OR,  Gomaco Replica  513

Willamette Shore Line

There is a rather interesting tunnel along the line. I am very grateful to the staff who were very patient with me and stopped the tram where I wanted...

2 июля 2022 г.
Автор: focus1965

759 КБ

Портленд, OR,  Gomaco Replica  513

Willamette Shore Line

One of the 2 tunnel portals. Appearances are misleading: someone apparently lives nearby who has a very sharp ear and has complained several times about the noise of the diesel generator of the tram. At first, it was not possible to stop here, until we had the bright idea to just switch off the generator there... Again, a big thanks to the staff!

2 июля 2022 г.
Автор: focus1965

710 КБ

Портленд, OR,  Gomaco Replica  513

Willamette Shore Line

Here is another example of how to camouflage the ugly generator truck by using a counter-curve.

2 июля 2022 г.
Автор: focus1965

782 КБ

Портленд, OR,  Gomaco Replica  513

Willamette Shore Line

It is clearly a former railway line. It is perfectly possible to drive from Oswego to Portland, but this would be a very long journey. This might have happened in the past.

2 июля 2022 г.
Автор: focus1965

730 КБ

Портленд, OR,  Gomaco Replica  513

Willamette Shore Line

2 июля 2022 г.
Автор: focus1965

733 КБ

Портленд, OR,  Gomaco Replica  513

Willamette Shore Line

2 июля 2022 г.
Автор: focus1965

796 КБ

Willamette Shore Line

For those who (like me) are not familiar with American words and abbreviations: "Xing" is the abbreviation of crossing.

2 июля 2022 г.
Автор: focus1965

752 КБ

Портленд, OR,  Четырёхосный аккумуляторный вагон  514 

Willamette Shore Line

Officially, for ecological reasons, this tram is equipped with batteries so that the use of the diesel generator can be avoided. What certainly plays a role, are the many complaints (really!) from certain people living in the neighbourhood of this diesel generator.

2 июля 2022 г.
Автор: focus1965

729 КБ

Портленд, OR,  Четырёхосный аккумуляторный вагон  514 

Willamette Shore Line

The conversion to a battery tram is done in a professional manner and under our own coordination. Due to Covid-19, the project has suffered some delays.

2 июля 2022 г.
Автор: focus1965

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